Doing it all for love

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Kacie couldn't believe what Dustin was telling her. Her boyfriend who ran from every fight Eddie Munson died fighting a bunch of bats no thats impossible she knew he wouldn't just leave her like that no they talked about the future they planned everything what kind of house the garden hell even kids after graduation they would get a cute house with a big garden and would adopt two kids a boy and a girl since Kacie couldn't have kids. They would get jobs. There's no way he would leave her like that not now not yet.

"Dustin I have to get him back I- he cant be gone" she said with her voice breaking

"No kacie its to dangerous what if you get hurt there too, we can't lose you too" dustin said sadly trying to stay strong for his friend

" I don't care I need him back" she said as tears rolls down her cheek scared to believe its true

-time skip brought to you by the legendary vecnas bats -

She walked around in the upside down looking for Eddie. When she turned the corner she saw something that would haunt her dreams for years to come. She saw her boyfriend unconscious laying on the ground she ran as fast as her feet could take her and fell down onto her knees next to him crying. She cupped his cheeks terrified and heartbroken that was until she heard a small groan

"Eddie?! Omg I knew it"she said hyperventilating and trying to stay as calm as possible for him

He coughed and opened his eyes looking up at her feeling relief

"Oh shit I'm dead aren't I? Is this heaven this looks like heaven" he said smiling

She chuckles lightly "no Eddie you aren't dead I'm real" she said smiling sweetly

She helps him get up and helps him walk back to the gate. She helps him climb back into Hawkins

She looked at him still not believing fully that he's there

"Come on I need you to lay down I need to look at your wounds" she said trying to get him to lay down

"Kacieeee you look pretty" he said smiling to himself

She basically ran into the bathroom to get the first aid kit she walked back to Eddie and kneeled down next to him. She cleans his wounds trying not to hurt him

-6 years later-

"Mommy mommy, dad is sleeping I wanna playyyyyy" the young girl said while jumping up and down

Kacie walked into the bedroom shaking eddie to wake him up

He groans "I'm up sweetheart no need for the earthquake" he said smiling up at her

"Well your daughter wants to play hide and seek and Im trying to make food" she said while leaning down and kisses his cheek

"Finneeee" he said as he got up

She laughed "she's really her father's daughter"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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