Gods? - Part 8

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Lumine's PoV/Perspective

I continued to explore after a while, the day started turning to afternoon, the sun had set.

I then saw something strange in my way. A golden glow in the middle of the field i was walking on. It just appeared, in front of me.

"Huh-? What.. is that?-..."

I walked closer and stepped before it, i knelt, admiring the radiant heated glow.

I reached out for it and touched it with one of my fingers, my Index finger to be exact.

The glow vanish and i heard a deep voice.

"Lumine, A mighty warrior. Descendant of the creator god of this entire universe. And your brother, Aether."

"Who're you?!"

"I am the god of this world, and i feel an immense power growing inside of you and your twin. You were always strong and no matter what kind of hardships approaches you, the two of you manage to fight without the assistance of any powerful beings in this mortal realm of mine, therefore i believe,"

"How do you know all of that?!"

"Wha-" Lumine's angry voice got cut off by shock.

"I trust you, and your brother, to and should definitely and rightfully be the next gods of this planet."


and there it goes, the voice had disappeared, no answer nor response. Leaving no trace left. The only thing was it's aura,

She looked up because she felt something on her, a crown had formed on her head before vanishing into golden dust.

She immediately teleported to her brother in disbelief thinking, 

"IS THIS A DREAM?" She said before she dissappeared.



"Hey sis- what's the event?"

"Wait a second. What event?"

"THERE WAS THIS GLOW, IT HAD A VOICE AND WE'RE GODS!" She said looking left and right, hands on her head as she explained before she looked at her brother and screamed the last sentence making her hands fall, making some spider form, it was upside down.

"What? I don't understand a shit you're saying."

Lumine started speaking random shit and gibberish words that don't exist in the English dictionary.

It continued on for kinutes until Aether snapped.




"So that was it? You really had to overreact to that? Seriously? And then gibberish words? You could've just explained it properly."

"I was mentally blocked and i couldn't find the words and i was shocked! You would be too if you were there!"

"Yea right. Now that i think about it... i did see a crown appear on my head..."

"But that could mean the symbol for the gods of this world!"


"I'm still shocked.. very shocked."

"Not me, maybe me, same, But only a little."

"Ugh stop."




"🖕 die."


~Few Months Later...~

Aether and Lumine ascended to being gods of that world claiming leadership on that planet as kings and queens, they became like that because, the recent god of this world made them to be. 


"Hey Lumine, they are our people! Just because we're the new current owners of this realm doesn't mean we get to kill everyone! Who will we reign over? We can make the bad guys into good people!" 

"I don't care! They deserve to be punished."

"Please have mercy on us Queen Lumine!"

"Good or Bad, they are still our people! We weren't made to be gods to torment these innocent souls!"

"I still don't care no matter what reason you give me!"

Just before Lumine could slash their head in half Aether stopped the attack with the Sword of Descension.

He then stood in front when Lumine pulled her weapon back.

"Lord Aether.."


"That weapon of yours is not for putting people in suffering and misery. It's supposed to help them get out of the depression they are in."

Aether pulled it back and vanished his weapon into thin air.

He then walked away, leaving Lumine in the dust.

He raised his hand and immediately putting it back down, as if his hand was a sword cutting an invisible object in half.

Suddenly the ropes of the captived dark knight shined white and broke.

"Thank you! Thank You! Thank you Lord Aether! Thank you for sparing me!"

"Take care, don't let Lumine get her dirty hands on you." He smirked.

"I won't!" He said running off into the shadows.

"Brotherrr!!" Lumine shouted pissed.

Words - 688 (698)

Time | 8:33P.m (Phili)

Date: Saturday, July 2, 2022.

Reunion | Aether and LumineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum