Origins! Of Lumine and Aether, totally not copy pasted from reddit

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One of the biggest questions in a lot of people's minds would have to be who Aether and Lumine are and where they come from. At first glance, we aren't really given much information to begin with but after seeing the descriptions of the Sword of Descension and the Wings of Descension, it gives quite a large insight as to where they may have appeared from and who exactly they are.

Wings of Descension:

This is proof that you came to this world via special means. This is the seal of which only one who has pierced the celestial heights is worthy.

"Your journey will become very dangerous from now on," So that person told you. "I don't know if this cloth will do anything to protect you, but..."

It was indeed so- In your long journey, you have seen the birth and death of stars as they passed you by, Scattering the darkness briefly before being consumed once more. This cloth will block neither heat nor cold, nor will it defend you from curses and ill-will. But during long nights in Teyvat, you will sometimes throw it on and find it to be most useful indeed.

"But when you face a force enough to destroy one, or even two worlds," You do not truly remember who it was who had treated the two of you ever so gently. You wish you could remember... "When you face a boundless darkness, or an all-consuming radiance..." But that was one world ago.

You no longer need to sleep out in the wild. Your bed in the city is fluffy and comfortable. And if you must camp, the grass is soft, filled with the fragrance of life. So from the moment you received that wind glider from that girl, you had already thought of a new use for that cloth...

And now, you shall once again soar through the skies together with it.

Sword of Descension:

This is proof that you came to this world via special means. Only one who has challenged the "world" may wield such a sword.

When this sword was last drawn, humankind was trying to preserve a doomed world. That world was their last and only home. This sword was drawn to defy that fate of destruction. —But to draw steel against the law of universe that "all who exist must one day perish..." Surely it must have seemed the height of folly.

But really, when one is faced when such a final fate, when up against the star-devouring darkness, What weapon would be fitting for one to wield? It can only be a sword. If nothing else, it shall bear the memory of those who faced their ends without fear...

When you wield this sword, you search for the answers hidden within this world. In this world, such a weapon may be used without any problem. Not for the fact that the universe casts no shadows here, and certainly not simply because it suits this world's aesthetics... But because this search is perhaps why you descended to this realm in the first place.

When the past is dust, and the future arrives, As the present fades away, you can trust to this blade's edge. Having a weapon for self-defense is, of course, a good idea. After all, this one was forged for one such as yourself. Someone who challenges and pursues. Take it, walk this earth,

And cut open all the challenges and mysteries that it has to offer you.

These two items give you a lot of information about the Traveler and their twin, but most particularly the wings of Descension are the most interesting to me. First, one of the opening lines states that the wings are "the seal of which only one who has pierced celestial heights is worthy".

Already, this begins to tell us that the Traveler is someone to have achieved the sort of heights that could only ever be achieved by a god, perhaps even possessing god-like strength. It would explain the ability to manipulate magical energy without a vision, similar to the archons and how they operate.

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