Start of an endless journey- chapter 1

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"Rise and shine! Lumine and Aether!" A male voice shouted.

"Hrwaaaahhh..... wake up Lumine," Aether said, tired. 

"5 more minutes...."

Aether stretched his arms in the air. He got off his bed and made his sheets.

Aether clapped his hands and everything turned into white for a moment. In a blink of an eye, Aether was dressed from his pjs into his normal clothes.

"Lumine if you don't wake up i'll crush your flowers."

"EHHH!? NO NO NO!! I WILL MURDER YOU." Lumine pleaded him to not do it while making a threat if he did so.

"Rela-" before Aether could finish his sentence Lumine jumped on him.





They heard two voices before looking at where it was coming from.

"Lumine, get off your brother." A tall male said, before face palming himself.

"Hmph!" Lumine said mad, getting off her brother, before clapping her arms and dissapearing, only to reappear in her normal white dress.

"Wonderful, now go downstairs and eat, don't make the food wait too long and turn cold!" 

"Yes mom." The twins said at the same time. 

They gave a menacing glare to each other.

"Jinx." They both said.

"Jinx agai- ow." Aether said. Getting cut off from a punch from Lumine on his arm, not that hard though.

"Let's just eat," Lumine said grabbing Aether's wrist and dragging him down the stairs before stopping, making Aether almost fall



"LUMI-!" Aether got cut off once again.

They got teleported to the dining area, Lumine was already sitting, but Aether was sitting on air before falling.

"Ow... You did that on purpose!" Said the short blond male.

"No, it just appears that the chair was a little further from where it's supposed to be, must be an error." Lumine chuckled. 

"Ugh..." Aether groaned grabbing his chair. Before sitting down again.

" *chuckles* Okay let's eat!" Their mom said.

"After this, i need to tell you something."


"Okay *munches* what is it you want to- *munches* *gulps* tell us mom?" Lumine asked.

"Lumine don't talk when your mouth is full, or when your eating."

"Yea yea bro don't worry about me."

"I need you to travel other worlds."

"HUH!?" The twins said shocked.

"Why?" Aether questioned their mother.

"I cannot tell you, you need to leave this world. Search for a world that you can call home"

"This is our home!" 

"Mom just tell us why!? Please!"

"But promise me you'll leave this planet and go search for a new home?"

"Yes!" The twins responded, but they lied.

"This planet is being attacked by an unknown entity, from the worlds me and your father traveled and strived to help, it was known as the "Destroyer of Worlds"."

"Can't it be prevented!?"

"Then we'll help you defeat this creature! We can't let you!-"

"It can't be prevented! Nor can you help us! Remember we are the only descendants of the creator god! The creator of this universe. It would be a great tragedy if you die."

"But we can't live without you either!-"

"Promise you'll survive?" Aether cut Lumine off.

"We will." Their father answered placing his hands on her shoulders.

Their mother is called "Aisling" and the father is "Zenith"

"Now pack your stuff and exit these future ruins immediately."


Aether and Lumine packed their stuff but just when they were about to leave, it attacked.

A creature covered in the blood of many beings, a massive one, causing chaos and havoc on their world.

"Lumine, Aether! Get out of here! Now!"

"Mom!" Lumine shouted for her mother, but Aether dragged her away. 

"S-stop! Mom!" Lumine tried to stop Aether, reaching out for her mother who was smiling gently at her before a pillar fell before her, preventing Lumine from seeing her, again, but Aether prevailed and got them out of the chaotic world that was about to crumble before the 'god's' hands.

~later(2 years to be exact)~

 The twins traveled from world to world but couldn't find the one, they stopped at nearby worlds and settled there for a while, but never stayed for any longer than a year. They did explore. 

"Lumine look! Some berries."

"Ugh.. Aether... these are poisonous."


"Uhhh. Rip?" Aether said, smiling worryingly.

Aether had passed away.


"I'm getting some wood. AND ACTUAL food."

~ 2 hours later...~

Lumine came back with a stack of wood, she started making the campfire.

"Fire." Lumine said before touching the pieces of wood on the ground arranged to make a fire and keep it in, not causing a forest fire. Suddenly fire appeared, it took a moment for Lumine to remove her two fingers from the burning flames.

"Ah. I'm burned." Lumine covered her two fingers with her other hand, she removed her hand. And boom, healed. No more burns, no more black.

Lumine looked back at her dead brother and sighed.

"Aether. Wake. Up. Now is not the time for naps."

"5 more minutes..." Aether groaned. 

Words: 772 words.(but all together including this, 822 words.)

Time: 11:55A.M (Philippines)

Date: Friday, June 3rd, 2022(6/3/22)

A/n: her mom survived dw, the pillar just fell between her and Lumine preventing Lumine to see her mother, i imagined the god to be looking like the scarlet king, or the god which incaptivated Xiao

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