Just us.

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That got his attention. He turned back to me, looking both amused and confused.
"There is no you and me"
"Isn't there?" I was standing right in front of him now. He looked tired. His hair was sticking up at every angle.
"I care about you, sel. More than you think. I don't want you to push me away. If something's bothering you, we can talk about it. We can always talk about it but just don't push me away. Not again"
"I'm sorry, If you felt like you weren't welcome downstairs"
"I'm not welcome anywhere. It doesn't bother me anymore. I'm not mad at you. Or at Nicolas" he said.
"Now that's a lie" I smiled.
"Okay, maybe. Look - it's not that I'm mad.. I'm more like" he groaned and sat down on his bed.
"I hate talking about feelings"
"I know" I sat down beside him "you don't have to. Unless you want to"
He just shook his head "I'm sorry"
"It's fine. you don't have to be sorry for now knowing what you're feeling"
"No, I'm sorry for being such a jerk"
"Oh. Yeah, you should be"
"I know, alright? I'm sorry. I just think that Nicolas doesn't want me around. Especially when you two are together" there was bitterness in his voice but he tried to hide it with a fake smile.
"He...you know him better than I do, Sel.. He's just a bit possessive. I can talk to him about it-
"No" he cut me off "don't"
"Fine" I sighed "the movie night was supposed to be something we do together. I wanted you there"
"You didn't. Not after Nicolas walked in" he said, shaking his head as if he couldn't believe we are having this conversation.
"What? No- this is not about Nick. This is about you and me. Why are you trying to drag him into this?"
"Because I don't want this to be about me and you. It makes no sense"
"It doesn't have to"
"You know the last few months have been so chaotic. I almost lost you, twice!" I yelled, feeling my eyes sting.
"But you didn't"
"I was scared, Selwyn. And I still can't believe we are all alive. I thought when the war is over we can...we will go back to normal but you started acting so weird and I'm trying to understand you but you aren't letting me" I said, shaking my head.
I hate this. I hate not being able to understand him. I hate this so much.
"I'm trying, too. I'm trying to open up but then there's Nicolas. Always making me feel like I should stay away from you. He's probably right" he said
"He doesn't get to decide who should stay away from me!"
"He's your boyfriend"
"That doesn't mean he gets to choose who I talk to," I looked away.
"Right," he nodded slowly.
"Look, Selwyn. I want to understand you. I want to know you. Can you please let me?" I looked at him.
"I will '' he said so quietly I barely heard him. But it was enough.
He was trying and that was enough.
I touched his pinky finger with mine.
Surprisingly enough, he didn't pull back like he normally would.
He locked our pinkies together and looked at me and smiled.
"Is your laptop charged?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Movie night. Just us" I said.
"Just us" he repeated slowly "would that be okay with Ni-
"It's okay with me. Is it okay with you?" I asked. He hesitated for a minute but then nodded with a grin.
"Yeah. It's more than okay with me"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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