movie night

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"Which one are we watching?" I asked for the 4th time. We are all sitting on the couches, wrapped in our blankets and ready for a movie night
"Can we just watch Avengers Age of Ultron?" Alice asked.
"We can not. We should watch infinity war" Selwyn responded.
"No! I wanna watch spider man homecoming" Nick whined.
"How many times are you going to watch it?" Sel asked, irritated.
"Okay okay enough. We'll watch black Widow since we haven't already watched it" William said calmly.
Selwyn huffed, crossing his arms.
"C'mon, it'll be fun," I said.
"I told you we should just watch it on our laptops but no you had to gather literally everyone" he murmured, leaning his head against the wall.
"Don't be such a buzz kill" I pouted "I just wanted everyone to be together after all we've been through"
"Sure. You wanted everyone to be together" he said sarcastically, looking to my left, where Nick is sitting, stuffing his mouth with popcorn before the movie has even started.
"It's not about him," I whispered.
"Please, Bree. It's always about him"
I sighed at his reply and turned back to the screen, the marvel intro was just starting. On the other couch, Sar and Tor were cuddling and Alice was sitting beside William, her eyes glued to the screen. She never misses the intro. She's a huge marvel nerd.
"Want some?" Nick said, pointing at the popcorn bag in his hand.
"Sure" I smiled, taking some.
"What were you two talking about?" He asked, referring to me and Sel.
"Nothing important" I mumbled.
"Alright" he said. Though it did not feel alright. He was frowning.
"Can we just enjoy the movie?" I said, looking down at my lap.
I wanted to have a movie night for so long and the boys are just making me feel stupid for even thinking we all could watch a movie together.
"Yeah. Yeah, of course" he smiled and wrapped an arm around me.
Beside me, I felt Sel's body stiffen.
I decided to ignore it and turned all my attention back to the movie.
Greer and Felicity are sitting on the bean bags, talking about how brucenat would have been superior. I would like to disagree but I'm too absorbed in the movie to even talk to anyone.  I feel Nick's fingers tracing imaginary circles on my back. I looked up at him but he just smiled and kissed my head. I giggled and turned back to the movie. I could feel Sel's gaze on me. Again.
After a while I was really getting invested in the movie.
"I want some coke. Do we have some coke?" Felicity asked, standing up.
"I think we have some in the fridge" William said, eyes fixed on the screen.
"I'd like some too," Alice said.
"Me too!" Sar said.
"Alright" Felicity nodded and walked out of the room.
"Well, this is boring," Sel stated.
"No it's not. It's actually really good. I love Yelena" I said.
"Do you love Yelena or her vest?" He asked jokingly.
"Both" I shrugged and he shook his head with a smile.
"Yeah I think it's pretty cool," Nick said. Felicity came back with a bottle of coke and some plastic cups.
"Here" she poured some in a cup and handed it to Alice and one to Sar before pouring some for herself.
"Can we please watch something else?" Selwyn asked.
"No," Nick responded.
"I didn't ask you," he sneered. "William, can we watch something else?" He asked again, shooting Nick that devastating glare.
"Uhh everyone seems to be enjoying this one" William said.
"No- we can watch something else, what would you like, Sel?" I asked, turning to him and our knees brushed. He looked away and sighed.
"Leave it, Bree" he mumbled.
"Tell me. Infinity war?" I asked again.
"Let him be '' Nick said from beside me, loud enough that Sel could hear.
"Yeah. Let me be" he said dryly.
Tor was looking at us with a slight frown, as if wanting to make out what we're talking about. So nosy.
"Only half of the movie is left. Then we can watch something of your choice" William said to Sel, who was now looking at his phone. Completely ignoring everyone around him.
I tried to do the same and went back to the movie but couldn't help looking back at him every once in a while when I heard his phone buzz.
He's texting someone.
"You're too busy for movie nights, Sel. Sorry I dragged you into this" I said flatly, shifting uncomfortably on the couch. Nick removed his arm from my back, noticing.
Selwyn, on the other hand, was too busy texting on his phone to even respond to me. Wow.
Who is he texting? William? But he is sitting right there…
"I'm kinda sleepy," Nick said.
"Yeah. Is it okay if you guys watch the movie? I feel tired" he said.
"Of course. It's alright" I smiled, which he returned before leaning his head against my shoulder.
Sel placed his phone back in his pocket and lazily looked at me and Nick before rolling his eyes.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing" he replied and looked at the screen with a bored expression.
"You don't have to watch it"
"I know"
"You can leave if you want"
"I know that too, Bree. Thanks"
It was my turn to roll my eyes. He has been acting weird lately and he won't talk about it no matter how many times me and William ask him.
He is not okay.
Well, knowing him, he's never really okay but I want to know what kind of not okay he is right now.
Nick was asleep now, his breath tickling my neck. I looked at him and smiled. He looked so peaceful like this.
It is after so long that I'm seeing him this relaxed. The past few months have been..strange, to say the least.
But I'm glad we did it. We did what we had to do and now here we are, all together again. I couldn't be happier.
I felt it again then. Sel's eyes on me but before I could say something he pushed himself to his feets and walked out of the room wordlessly. I sit up straighter, a bit too quickly, waking Nick up.
"What's up?" He asked sleepily.
I just shook my head "no nothing"
He just mumbled something that sounded like "alright" and closed his eyes again.
William and I exchanged a look and he half stood up but I held up a hand, telling him to stay here. I slowly got up and placed Nick's head on the pillow.
"Matty?" Alice whispered "what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
"Nothing. Don't worry" I assured her before walking out of the room.

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