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(Taehyungs pov)

I was thinking about life cause why not, when I was rudely interrupted by my door bell ringing.

"Gosh what is it now" i started walking down stairs when I suddenly started to feel dizzy

I held on to the railing tightly desperately trying not to tumble down the stairs

"What in the world" I quickly recovered as I started walking down the stairs again.

"Coming" I stated as I heard the door bell ring again

After successfully getting down the steps and to the door without getting hurt, I opened the door, only to be met with a tall well built woman

"Hello" I asked low key intimidated by the way she looked "who are you?"

"O sorry I'm EunJae" (random name btw) she's pretty "I'm here to tell you about your official test

I let her in the house and took her to the dining room area

O gosh I'm scared, what's it gonna be

She stared to take out a file that most likely contained my results and other information, like if I'm pared with someone, or if I'm going to be moving schools

She began to speak
"your a little"

"Wait what" I snatched the paper right out of her hand not Able to believe I'm a little

I read the file

Kim Taehyung

G: male
SG: little
0% neutral

Match: jeon jungkook

G: male
SG: caregiver

Kim taehyung will be transferred to bighit University

Move date:(just imagine any date)

There are so much things going on in my mind right know

First things first big hit University is a school for rich and talented people that have talent


I was literally on the verge of a panic attack when eunjae gently piled me out of my thoughts.

"Are you ok" she asked when wiping the tears that randomly decided to make an appearance

"Yeah but the moving date is in a week" it's so soon and I'm overwhelmed

"Also I cant leave here I have a mom and siblings. I need to look after"

That's when I remembered that I forgot to pick the kids up from school

" dammit" i started to pack up my stuff and get the things I needed got picking up the kids

"Where are you going"gosh I forgot she was here for a second

"I need to pick my siblings up from school I'm late"

"How will you get there" when will this annoying woman ever leave

"Bus" I started to move to the door despite eunjae still being in my home

"But littles cant be out with out there caregiver/dom" do I look like I care. This is taking so long I need to get out to my siblings

I then thought of an idea 'run'

"To bad" I bolted out of the door running to the nearest bus stop, that lead the me siblings school

I think the world started to love me because the bus just arrived

I hop on and the bus started to go

Time skip

I just arrived at the kids school and immediately apologize

"I'm so sorry a lady came to talk to me and I lost track of time, please forgive me"

After apologizing to the teacher that was looking after them i left the school

"Can we go to the hospital and visit eomma"one of my siblings started

"I heard that she was going to be discharged" we started walking to the hospital instead of the house

We get there and go straight to her room seeing her fully dressed

"Where are you going"

"Didn't they tell you I'm getting discharged. They told me I'm better, I just have to take medicine so it doesn't come back, I'm good as new"

"Wow that's amazing eomma"

Everyone was so happy

We were walking back home after being there for a couple hours when eomma asked the question in was dreading the most

"Taebear, did you get your results yet it's been some time" I just held my head down in shame and embarrassment

"I'll show you when we get home"

I was silent the rest of the walk

We got home and I gave the file that held my finial classification in it to eomma

As she read it I got more and more nervous, she looked up at me and squealed excitedly

I was so confused, am a hearing right. Why is she happy


At hearing that all my siblings came in the room

I want to just Disappear and die

"Omg he's a little" my siblings siblings started talking. My face was covered in a dark red

"O and your moving to bighit University in a week"

"Wow hyung that's a school for the rich and talented"

I stay silent I don't like any thing about how this is going

"What happened my taebear, why so quite" everyone got quite

"Well I don't wanna be a little, and I don't think I'm a little"


"I just don't wanna be babied and have to be fully dependent on someone"

"But littles are cute"

"So, I don't wanna be a little" with that i ran up to my room and cried myself to sleep, wondering how my life will turn out.

To be continued

Hi this is my first book so I'm sorry if it's not good but I'm trying and keep sending me feed back

Thank you for reading

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