
"And yeah if it was not for them I would not get adopt and I would not met who depose to be my dad I love you Tiago as my depose to be my dad I love you."

Both Cooper and Rocky:

"Ok who is next."

"I am."

"Are you sure Rocky we both know this is going to be a hard day for you."

"Yeah I got it."

Both of them:
"Ok then tell us."

"K umm I'm I got one but you both don't know this yet."

Both of them:

"One day before I met you Jess my brother it was a brother and sister day I remember that I did not feel that good I do not even know why, anyways I really want to go and hangout with him but he said no I told him why, and he said I know that you want to have a brother and sister day so why don't we do it here, and I am like how are we going to do that."

"He said I have an idea I didn't know what he was doing but once I saw I known that he had something and that what he did even if we could have gone out he bring it to me it was the best."

But if them:

"Yeah Cooper your last one do you know what you want to say yet."

"Yeah I do Rocky remember the time that I met you and your brother."

"Ah how could I forget that day."

"Why are you upset the both of you."

"Well you are about to find out and once you find out you might not like this but just so you know is that I didn't want to do it that time."


"I am sorry Rocky but I have to say it."

"Don't be but I just wish that did not happen but it did."

"You and me both, ok so I was working at the hospital that time but only for the summer that time, anyways they were waiting the waiting room that time I called her brother name I did the normal check before the doctor come you both know what am I talking about."

"Yeah we know."

"Anyways, after I did that I went to tell my dad he said that he want me to stay in the room with them to hug his patience sister which at the time he said that I known that it was Rocky anyways, we both went to the room and was doing the normal doctors things and that when he said it that her brother have cancer, they were both broke and I wanted to help them so much so I did I told my dad, that I would be a stay at home nurse for them and he said yes he was like a brother to me and he still is I did very thing I could to make them not think about cancer and I am happy that I did but I just wish I did more to save her brother."

"Hey shh you did you save me and him even if he died now he is still very happy that you still let him have fun and when he needed to stop you would do it for him play with me read me a story even if you were 7 you did your best and that all anyone can tell you to do but that is why I hate the doctors don't trust them and scared of them because of that but nurses no I am not scared because I am always thinking about what you did for us Cooper you did everything even if he was died so thank you and I love you and you have been like a brother to me since then so thank you."

Adopt by my therapist brotherWhere stories live. Discover now