[Hold The Hand That Holds You Down.] [TW]

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Corresponding chapter in XiCheng: All The Things I Never Told You:
[My Love. [Lan XiChen]]


Inspiration for this chapter's title:

Pearl Jam - "Daughter"

Credit:  https://www.instagram.com/yizhan__1/

Link:  https://www.instagram.com/tv/CffoA20Fczr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link 


Lan Wangji observed him get up and leave him, and he felt the lack immediately. 

His face became a mask of stone  –  he knew that the evening could easily be ruined now. Slowly, he pressed the green button and put the call on speaker, placing the phone on the table between them.

- Hello, Mother.  –  he said coldly.  –  I am sure you understand that what you've been doing is harassment. Should I change my phone number again?

- Wangji!  –  there was some sort of desperation in Madam Lan's voice.  –  I have been trying... For weeks...  -  she sobbed now.

- I have only picked up because my fiancé has asked me to. What do you need?  –  he said, tired of the same old song. It had been exactly the same, every time, years upon years.

- Fiancé???   –  she gasped.  –  Are you being serious right now?! Just when---

- After last month's fiasco, you have no right to demand details, Mother. What is it that's so urgent? You know how much I hate talking on the phone!

Wei Wuxian was listening to all this, a little pale. 

He had never heard Lan Zhan be so cold when talking to anyone.  With him, he had always been shy, or angry, or excited, or annoyed, or caring, or turned-on... but never so harsh, never so rude. 

He was listening, well aware that whatever the problem was  –  it needed a resolution, but nevertheless, he was a little sorry that he had forced Lan Wangji's hand about this one. After all, he knew his own mother better.

- Yes...  -  she sighed.  –  I am the one who suffers the most, just as always.  I really would have called your brother, but... I don't have his number... Not since... last Christmas.

- I wonder why that is.  –  there was no mockery or joke in Lan Wangji's voice. Now he understood too well, firsthand, just how his Ge was feeling, and why he had changed his phone number the very next day after the gigantic row.  -  My brother is smarter than me.  -  he added nonchalantly.

- Are you really... Son, are you really getting married?  –  she ventured, incredulous, sniffling now.

- Soon.  –  Lan Wangji barked.  –  What do you need? Stop beating around the bush, or I'll be hanging up. I am in the middle of something important anyway.

- I see.  –  Madam Lan sighed again.  –  It's your father. He's been... unwell,  since New Year's. I am afraid... The doctors have advised for him to be... to be...  -  her voice broke and she sobbed, unable to brave it out any more.

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