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Corresponding chapter in XiCheng: All The Things I Never Told You :
[Lan Huan's Day.]


OK, this time the note is kinda important.

I want to say that I am rushing the aftermath of Wei Ying's surgery, a lot, for the sake of the plot. 

Please, know that in real life, a trauma so serious would take a lot more time to heal, and a lot more care should be taken after one leaves the hospital. I just don't want to make this the focus of the next chapters. In this AU  the boys have no magic, so they cannot heal faster. I have decided not to dwell on this moment too much. It plays its important role in the plot development, true, but I think it's high time we move on to other fresh new obstacles and drama to be suffered and cried over! 

Also, I am not too sure if  Rivanol ™️ is being used as a mild antiseptic in the Western world, it is in the Eastern, but I hope it won't bother you too much. I have never been in a hospital abroad! (which, I guess, is a good thing!)

Thanks for your understanding!


The food arrived, and Lan Wangji observed, frowning, as his brother argued with the day porter about it: Lan Xichen, quite wisely, had ordered a meal for the poor guy too, who was now apologizing profusely, refusing this offer, terrified to his core. However, in the end Lan Huan won, assuring him that it was no big deal, that he wouldn't tell anyone, and that he owed him a favor anyway, and that it was Christmas, and cheer and charity, and all that bullshit. Lan Wangji rolled his eyes impatiently. 

His Ge could be such a clown sometimes!


Now they were sitting casually on two chairs, eating slowly, in silence, finally calm and peaceful. The contrast with the huge pretentious feast that their mother had prepared in her delusion and frenzy was so great that Lan Zhan realized he was relieved by his decision not to go back to that big dreadful house. He had every intention to stick to this decision.

His Ge, on the other hand, would eat anything.  Lan Xichen did not care about the price and quality of the food  –  a simple hamburger was OK, and a 3-course meal in a 5-star restaurant downtown was equally OK for him. Food was food, and it disappeared quickly into the true balck hole that was his stomach. He just needed the energy, and Lan Wangji suspected that he was almost always  hungry... It probably was a special kind of torture.

He sighed. 

He never really knew when his thoughts had touched his lips and he had started mumbling, almost in a trance:

- Ge, I want to take him away... Maybe to another town...? Away from the dirt and the stress... Do you think he'd want to marry me? Really? He is so fragile at times... Sometimes I don't know what's going on in this pretty head of his... I am not sure how he feels... I wonder how he feels... What he worries about... Why is it so hard to talk about feelings, Ge? For the both of us?

He looked up from his food, a little scared now; he had not planned for all this to pour out of his heart, he'd rather it was all locked up, and locked up well.

- I think you should give yourselves time, Di.  –  Lan Huan didn't mock him this time. He could clearly see how his Di was turning into an adult, with very adult problems, right here, right now, in front of his very eyes.  –  You two have been together for just a couple of weeks... Travel together, sleep together, eat together, work together. You have time to get to know each other fully. This is what I intend to do with A-Cheng this time. I really want to give him all the time he might need. I wanna do it right this time.

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