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Corresponding chapter in XiCheng: All The Things I Never Told You:[My Love. [Lan XiChen]]


The next days were really strange. 

Lan Zhan sulked for two whole days, quite upset by the phone call with his mother, apparently, but Wei Ying wasn't too worried about it, because they were still touching, and they were still kissing, and, at night, in bed, they made love impatiently, sometimes cruelly, forgetting the toys in the drawer  –  their bodies were more than enough now.

He was truly amazed when he called his Da-Ge  –  Lan Xichen had laughed so hard at this story that he assured him that the weird noises over the line were him falling off his chair and rolling on the floor with genuine mirth.

- Ahhh, I wish I had been there, A-Xian! Di's face!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!

It turned out that the young lawyer had taken the choice of club for Lan Wangji's party to heart, and was now chatting over the phone with pleasure, presenting different options to Wei Ying, promising him that he'd do the impossible  to force  Jiang Wanyin to come along too.

He also asked him, quite carefully, whether he would be willing to participate in a possible paternity test, for Jenny's baby, when the time came.

- Sorry to ask this of you, A-Xian... -  Lan Huan sighed.  –  But Mister Yao's damned lawyers like to have me in a corner. I think they do it quite on purpose, the sadists!  –  he grinned over the phone.  –  Would you do it?

- Sure.  –  Wei Ying mumbled, not to happy to be going back to that story again.  –  I am absolutely sure that I haven't had sex with Jen for quite some time now!   -   he huffed.  –  And you already know... that I... couldn't be...

- I do, I do!  –  Lan Huan babbled quickly.  –  But the damned fools still think we have somehow forged the medical paperwork!  –  he laughed heartily now.  –  Which is... well, it is not surprising!

- Yea, I get it...


Lan Wangji was secretly eavesdropping on Wei Wuxian's calls  –  he was still officially mad at him, and was hiding in dark corners, listening thirstily to his merry chattering over the phone. 

He was not too sure whether he was happy or jealous of the fact that his future husband and his Ge got along so smoothly.  It was an unexpected alliance, but it only made too much sense  –  the two had quite similar characters.

He dreaded his birthday this year, strongly suspecting that he would be forced to dance.  

But then  –  seeing Wei Ying so excited and happy, laughing, babbling with Lan Huan about the best choice of a night club, talking about strip clubs unabashedly  –  it all filled his heart with joy, albeit the fact that he hid it all well, and deep.

The conversations with his mother were another thing. 

She somehow had mustered the courage to call more often even, and now that she had Wei Wuxian's phone number  –  they would text and call sometimes, for brief conversations, short questions about his birthday, or the wedding... He knew that Wei Ying would be starting to plan that wedding any day now, and he himself  –  in a strange way  –  was glad he had someone to discuss it with, as he was most definitely not any use or help when it came to that particular topic.

At night, happy and tired, Wei Ying would give himself to him, that warm, beautiful body would be fully his, and he would always claim it, drink it, ravish it, enjoy it, and it was such bliss that he didn't hate marriage so much any more, as  -  if this was what marriage felt like  –  it was heaven.


- Babe, we have to plan tomorrow.  –  Wei Ying mumbled lazily, cuddling in his arms and caressing his face.

- It is very late, love. Tomorrow morning.  –  he mumbled back; it was already past 2 a.m.

- You said that yesterday too, Wangji!  –  Wei Ying grumbled.  –  No more delays! Today is the day!

- Hmmmm.

- Actually....  –  he grinned.  –  It's past midnight! It is already tomorrow! And... and...

- Hmmm?

- Well...  -  Wei Ying blushed and pressed himself to his lover more.  –  It's already your birthday.  –  he whispered.

- Oh yea?  –  Lan Wangji smirked.  –  And so what?

- Well... Hmm...

Wei Ying lifted his hand and looked at his ring with great tenderness now.

- I... I don't really have a present for you, my love... I'm sorry.  –  he mumbled.

 - A present?!

Lan Wangji propped himself in bed and looked down at his face. There was some weak moonlight coming through the French windows and he was grateful for it. He noticed that Wei Wuxian looked really sad.

- Wei Ying...

He moved slightly and got on top of him. Wei Ying smiled, and immediately wrapped his arms around him, pulling him down over himself a little, ready to welcome him again. But Lan Zhan didn't seem to have sex on his mind right now, and he blinked, a little confused. His eyes opened wide, as he was watching the serious face, looming over him, and whispering the feverish words:

- Wei Ying... what present would that be? What present would be better than your eyes, my love? Your touch? What could compare to your kiss, the way your lips caress my skin? What could be more precious, more costly than your voice... pulling me out of the dark pits I tend to fall into sometimes...? What...

His voice broke, and he shook his head slightly. The warm palms slid to caress his back, and it was the best feeling in the world. Wei Ying was listening, hushed, attentive.

- What present? We are getting married. What better present than to have this treasure for the rest of my days? I have... I already have all the best presents in the world, right here, tonight, in my arms...

- Lan Zhan...  -  Wei Ying whimpered; the sudden love confession was melting his heart.

- Do you understand? I don't need anything else. How could I?? Nothing is more precious... than you...

- Oh, love! Oh, angel! Wangji!

Lan Wangji leaned further in, and they kissed, merging, thankful, belonging.

- I love you...  -  Wei Ying was gasping.  –  I love you so much! So much it hurts!

- My love... Wei Ying... Mine... mine...

- Hold me! Love me!  –  he was whimpering.  –  I want you!!!

- Mmmmm.

The chatty mouth could give no more instructions, because in the next hour or so it got far too busy kissing and biting  –  Lan Wangji never let go.

- My present...  -   he was growling, biting Wei Ying's neck viciously.  –  This is my present...

- Yes... YES!!! Happy birthday!!! Wangji, happy... Ughhhhh!!!

They fell asleep almost at dawn, exhausted after rounds of tenderness and passion, bruised and scratched all over, but happy to be holding each other, to be sleeping together.

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