Chapter 5: Slugs and Mudbloods

Start from the beginning

"Wow, look at that." Colin said fascinated.

"Get out of the way Colin." Harry said as he and Hermione left the Courtyard. I sprinted straight towards Draco and delivered a hefty punch to his nose causing him to fall over bleeding from it. He hit the floor with a grunt. Flint pushed me back. Given how much bigger he was than me I wasn't getting past him.

Draco put his hand to his nose and looked at the blood on his fingers. "My father will hear about this!" He yelled.

"Yes, go whine to your father like you always do!" I mocked.

"At least I have one!" Draco retorted. The Slytherin team laughed. I quickly pulled out my wand and shot an ice shard at Draco. He yelped as it hit the ground near his face. He looked up to me with a scared face. I was glaring at him with a cold stare.

"Say another thing about my parents and I won't miss next time." I said as I put my wand away, and went to join my friends at Hagrid's. I wanted to hit him with it, but I wanted to see that bastard's scared face.

As I was near Hagrid's hut I saw Lockhart walking away from its direction. "Well, hello-"

"Shut it!" I said quickly interrupting him and waving him away as I stomped past him. He seemed to get the hint as he said no more. I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione talking to Hagrid at his door. I sprinted to them.

"Bin wondering when you'd come to see me- come in, come in-thought you might be Professor Lockhart back again." Hagrid said as we entered his hut.

Harry and Hermione supported Ron over the threshold into the one-roomed cabin, which had an enormous bed in one corner, a fire crackling merrily in the other. Hagrid didn't seem perturbed by Ron's slug problem, which Harry hastily explained as he lowered Ron into a chair. 

"Better out than in." Hagrid said giving Ron a bucket.

"I don't think there's anything to do except wait for it to stop." Hermione said anxiously. "That's a difficult curse to work at the best of times, but with a broken wand." Hagrid started making tea and Fang rested his head on my lap as I began to scratch behind his ears.

"What did Lockhart want with you Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"Giving me advice on getting kelpies out of the well." Hagrid said annoyed. "Like I don't know a banging on about some banshee he banished. If one word of it was true. I'll eat my kettle."

"Finally! Someone else besides me and Mum agrees. Thank you Hagrid!" I cheered.

"Not surprised you and your mum noticed as well Raven." Hagrid praised.

"That's a bit unfair, maybe his mum's wrong." Hermione retorted. I frowned at Hermione.

"Not likely Hermione." Hagrid said. "Wren's a sharp woman. Rarely anything gets past her." I smiled at Hagrid. He knows how awesome my mum is.

"But Dumbledore obviously thought he was the best man for the job." Hermione said.

"He was the only man for the job." Hagrid said, offering us a plate of treacle toffee. I happily accepted and started eating one. Ron kept belching slugs. "And I mean the only one. Getting very difficult to find anyone for the Dark Arts job. People aren't too keen to take it on, see. They're starting to think it's jinxed. No one's lasted long for a while now."

"That's what Mum said." I spoke up. "She said it was cursed, and when she was in school, there was a new teacher every year."

"And right she was." Hagrid said. "So tell me, who was he trying to curse?" Hagrid asked pointing to Ron who kept belching.

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