"Then what are we waiting for? Nya, set the course." Wu ordered.

"Already on it. We'll be there by sun-up." Nya said. Me and the guys then went to the upper deck and started training with Wu watching us.

"There is no room for error." Wu said. "The Serpentine have shown that they have great powers, and to combat them, you must turn their greatest strengths into their greatest weaknesses. Kai, how will you defeat the Hypnobrai?"

"Their hypnotizing powers are useless if their opponent can fight without relying on his eyes." Kai answered as he put a blindfold on and practiced with his sword.

"Good. Jay, the Fangpyre is fast and his bite sharp." Wu said.

"But if he can't bite through your skin, he can't turn you into one of them." Jay explained as he tapped his metal arm covering.

"Yes. Cole, the Constrictai are strong. And they will not let go." Wu informed as he hit a button and a net shot at Cole and wrapped him tightly.

"But instead of fighting back, one must try to loosen up." Cole said as he relaxed and slipped out of the net. "And a little soft shoe doesn't hurt." He added as he tapped the net with his foot.

"Zane. The venom of the Venomari can make you see things. Cloud your perception." Wu said.

"Then I will use my new Falcon Vision." Zane responded as his eyes turned blue before turning back to his normal eye color. He then turned and waved at the falcon.

"Nova. Pythor can disappear. How will you find him?" Wu asked as I put a blindfold on.

"I can sense him. I may not be able to see him but I'll be able to feel where he is." I said as I fought the guys as they attacked me.

"Very good." Wu praised us as I took off the blindfold. "I have trained you well. You are all ready."

"What about you, Sensei? Will you fight?" Kai asked. "We need all the help we can get."

"My concern is that my old bones cannot keep up, but I will be there in spirit." Wu said.

"We're arriving at the Mountain of a Million Steps. You all might want to see this." Nya said over the radio. We went to the railing as Nya steered the bounty to the mountain.

"Look at all those piles of dirt." Jay pointed out. There was a bunch of dirt piles all over the place.

"What are those snakes up to?" Cole questioned.

"Wait for me." Lloyd said as he ran down the stairs from the bridge.

"This is not your fight." Wu denied. "The Green Ninja is too important for a future destiny. You shall stay with me." Nya then showed up with her Samurai X mech.

"Well, he's gonna have to look after himself, because we made room for you." Nya said as she landed on the deck.

"You said you were concerned that you couldn't keep up, so Jay, Nya, and Nova rejiggered the design so you could come along. Well, what do you think?" Kai explained.

"I think......shotgun! Ha-ha!" Wu said as he jumped into his seat. "Wait, did you say Nova helped?"

"Don't get any ideas. I only helped because I'm good at building stuff and we need you on this mission." I said with a glare. I wasn't about to forgive him for lying to me for 13 years.

"I will stay back with Lloyd." Garmadon spoke up. "I don't enjoy saying this but....good luck." Wu, Nya, me, and the guys then crawled down the rope and into the mountain. We looked around the room and saw it empty.

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