The Snake King

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(Nova has long white hair tied up in a bun held together with chopsticks with two strands framing the side of her face. She also has pretty blue/purple eyes.)

The bounty was flying through the clouds and we were all sitting at the table listening to Lloyd explain how he would stop a Serpentine.

"First, I'll stomp on his tail. Then when he turns, a thunder clap to his ears. Then when he's stunned I'll disarm him." Lloyd explained.

"Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now you're under his control." Cole said.

"Or he's already put you in a squeeze." Zane added.

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff." Kai said.

"Ah, uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asked.

"Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute you five carelessly lost." Sensei said.

"Hey, no, no, no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it." Jay disagreed.

"Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger." Sensei said.

"Don't worry. I've almost reached my full potential and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not gonna need any magic flute." Cole said.

"You're gonna be the Green Ninja? Ha-ha! Don't make me laugh." Kai scoffed.

"I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja." Zane grinned.

"Oh! The only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird." Jay laughed before the guys started arguing and shouting. Me and Nya looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Boys.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's in the box?" Lloyd asked Sensei.

"Your new uniforms." Sensei said while opening the box. Now that had the boys quiet. They each grabbed their own until there was only one left. I picked it up and it had my color. I sent Sensei a confused look before looking at it. It was a light gray and white color with silver armor.

"Whoa! They've got like armor." Jay gasped.

"I love the gold highlights." Kai said.

"Battle claws." Cole exclaimed.

"The material is really light and breathable." Zane commented.

"Oh. Nothing for me?" Lloyd whined.

"Oh, um, you get, uh, the box?" Sensei offered. Lloyd sighed before the alarm started going off. We quickly ran into the bridge to see what was wrong.

"Sorry to break up the moment, boys, but a small faction of our slithering friends are stirring up trouble over at Mega-Monster Amusement Park." Cole said.

"Amusement park? Can I go? Can I go with you, please? Let me make things up. I can help." Lloyd begged.

"I'm sorry, nephew. You will stay here, where it's safe." Sensei said.

"Ninja get all the fun." Lloyd complained.

"What do you say, guys? Time to try out the new merchandise?" Jay asked. The boys quickly changed before rushing onto the upper deck. I rolled my eyes at their eagerness and changed before walking out and joining them.

"I love a roller coaster, but nothing beats this." Kai said as I stepped out.

"Then quit yapping and let's go!" I grinned and jumped off the bounty with them. The guys used their vehicles to get down safely while I dived and glided to the ground.

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