Never Trust A Snake

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(Nova has long white hair tied up in a bun held together with chopsticks with two strands framing the side of her face. She also has pretty blue/purple eyes.)

I was stretching on the upper deck, waiting for the guys to show up so we could start sunrise exercise. They finally walked onto the deck while laughing.

"Heh-heh. Little slow today, huh? What exactly did you dream about?" Kai asked Zane.

"I saw the falcon again."

"Whoa. Zane, every time you see that bird something big happens. First, it lead you to the secret tree house." Jay said.

"Then it lead you to the bounty." Cole added.

"All right. Stretches. First, the Swooping Crane." Sensei said and got into position with us copying him.

"This time, it showed me the Green Ninja." I heard Zane whisper.

"The Green Ninja?!" The other three yelled. Me and Zane stayed in the Swooping Crane position while Kai covered his eyes, Jay covered his mouth, and Cole covered his ears.

"That looks like the Shocked Monkey. Bad form, more focus." Sensei said before we returned to the Swooping Crane pose.

"You can't just drop a bomb like that. Spill the beans." Jay whispered.

"Yeah, what else did you see?" Kai asked.

"He was fighting Lord Garmadon." Zane said.

"That's what the prophecy said, that the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. But did you have a chance to see which one of us was him?" Kai asked.

"Yeah." Jay nodded.

"Did you see?" Cole asked.

"I could not tell. He shared attributes each of us possess." Zane informed.

"Now Pinching Crab." Sensei said and we got into the Pinching Crab position.

"Well, tell us everything, and don't spare any details. There has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the Green Nin-ow, ow, ow! Hey!" Kai complained as Sensei pulled his hair.

"What was so important to ignore my teachings?" Sensei asked.

"Uh, nothing." Kai stuttered.

"It was nothing, Sensei." Jay added.

"Yeah, we don't talk while you teach." Cole agreed.

"Everyone was paying attention." Zane added.

"Since you all appear to be lacking in focus, then you can all share in the punishment, except Nova." Sensei announced.

"What?!" Kai yelled

"Punishment?" Jay complained.

"It was all Zane." Cole blamed.

"I was merely answering their questions." Zane defended.

"No free time and no video games. The rest of the day can be used for training. And tomorrow, for that matter." Sensei said.

"Training? For how long?" Kai asked.

"Until you can answer this simple riddle. What is the best way to defeat an enemy?" Sensei asked.

"Easy, with a sword." Kai grinned.

"Your fists." Jay answered.

"Spinzitsu." Cole said.

"Tornado of Creation?" Zane asked.

"Ah. Pace yourselves. You have a lot of training ahead of you. Make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your spinzitsu. And you cannot ask Nova for the answer." Sensei said before walking off.

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