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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Chapter Sixteen: The American Dream

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Stacey's stomach flipped and twisted as Steve made another turn. Turns out she got motion sickness from both Eddie and Steve's driving. The blonde placed her head between her hands to prevent herself from throwing up. 

"If you vomit I will vomit, and then someone else will and it will be like a whole chain of vomiting and- oh God, I think I might make myself throw up before you do," Robin said quickly looking a tad green in the face.

"Robin," Stacey groaned.

"Yeah?" Robin asked still looking sickly. Erica frowned at the older girl and scooted over a few inches to avoid possibly getting thrown up on. 

"Not helping," she said as she felt the seat move and then dip down again. A warm hand rubbed circles on her back.

"Right," Robin mumbled.

"Good news," Steve said looking back at them quickly. "It's a straight shot on a flat road so you'll be fine."

"Drive better, Harrington, and I will be," Stacey snapped still feeling queasy. 

"We'll be there in no time," Eddie tried to be positive. Stacey sat back up and laid her head on his shoulder. Robin and Erica looked at the two.

"So are you guys dating now or what?" Erica asked in a sassy tone. 

Robin turned to the younger girl. "Erica, you can't just ask people if they're dating." 

Erica shrugged and looked back at the couple in front of her. "What? I just want to know."

Eddie looked at Stacey. Stacey felt her cheeks heat up as she looked into his big brown eyes. A grin slowly crept up onto Eddie's face. "What do you say, Blondie?"

"I thought we were supposed to go on a date first? Isn't that how that works?" Stacey teased and poked at his side. Eddie's hand caught her own. His rings were cold against her skin. Her mind flashed back to the bathroom as she looked at his lips. His tongue darted out slightly to wet them.

"I already promised you a fancy dinner with candles and, as much as it pains me, light music. But, uh, with the end of the world and shit happening maybe we could fast forward to the question?" Eddie brought her hand up to his lips as he peppered it with light kisses.

"Hmm," Stacey brought her other hand up to her chin, "I don't know Munson, what's in it for me?"

"Lots of kisses, take-out, weed, great sex-"

"Gross!" Erica said with a look of disgust. Eddie rolled his eyes and looked back at Stacey.

"Throw in late-night ABBA concerts and I get to learn how to play that beautiful guitar of yours and you've got yourself a deal, Munson," Stacey said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Eddie chuckled, "That guitar is my baby, Atwood. No one touches my baby."

"Well then," Stacey crossed her arms over her chest and looked ahead at Erica and Robin. "No deal for you-"

Eddie turned her head around and planted his lips on her. Erica awed at the gesture before appearing grossed out and facing Robin who looked away. Eddie pulled away and moved his lips to her ear. "I'm kidding," he whispered before moving back to his original position, "I'll even teach you myself."

Stacey grinned at her now-boyfriend. "By the way," she said leaning toward his face, "I'm perfectly happy with pizza and listening to all the heavy metal you've got stored in your room. No candles or fancy shit needed. Just you, greasy food, great music," she leaned toward his ear and whispered, "and maybe the handcuffs."

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