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 The war had been going on for years. Humanity has been doing what they can to survive in the world, but why does it have to be so boring! Cynthia groaned and looked out her bedroom window from her spot behind her desk. She needed to know the history of the war before her coronation as the war had no sign of ending any time soon, but gods could anything interesting happen? It wasn't that the princess did not enjoy learning, Cynthia had books upon books on anatomy and all sorts of interesting things about the magical creatures that call the continent their home but history was definitely not her strong suit. Perhaps a break was what she needed before she went back to studying.

She stretched and got up from her seat and went over to her bookshelf and hummed to herself as she skimmed the spines, varying from some of classics, mythologies, and... ah just what she was looking for: Earth, Sea, and Sky: Biology of the Beings on Pruyya. She smiled and pulled the book from its spot on the shelf and smiled before opening the door to leave her room. Cynthia poked her head out of her room and saw no one, maybe a patrolling guard, but luckily no one who would dare ask why she's not studying or doing any other princessly duties.

Humming and walking through the halls, her book in hand. She had one location in mind where she'd go. Cynthia walked with confidence, to not get the attention of any servants, but not too confident to grab attention. A very fine line she needs to walk to not do anything she's supposed to do. Eventually reaching the bottom of the stairs

Walking down the staircase to the first floor, Cynthia strained her ears to hear any footsteps, because if anyone was in the staircase it's not like she could hide somewhere. Luckily she got to the bottom of the stairs without issue, a patrolling guard passed her but didn't give her much attention, causing the princess to grin. She's almost there. Final stretch.

Cynthia walked through the halls towards her destination, her footsteps echoing off the walls. She stopped momentarily to look at a family portrait. Each generation of her family had it, and the hallway was lined in them, showing the princes and princesses through the ages, even her father. But that wasn't the portrait her gaze had fallen upon. It was her own. The portrait of her and her parents. The blank expression from her had not changed from the previous year when it was painted. She would have it redone in a heartbeat if she could, not even looking at the painted judgemental gaze from her face and looking at her mother, admiring how a painting could hold the warmth her mother's eyes always seemed to have. That smile returned to her face, Cynthia returned to the trip to her favorite reading spot.

After a few more minutes she reached her destination, pulling the door open to reveal the garden. Cynthia grinned seeing the rows of carefully planted flowers and beautifully shaped hedges lining the path with intricately carved statues of various gorgeous women. The princess always loved the statue garden, the gentle breeze in her hair helping her ignore the walls surrounding the land keeping any intruders out. It would have been perfect if she didn't see someone that made her heart sink to see. One of the few people who would say something about her not studying, other than her tutor. The court mage.

Neradia wasn't a cruel woman, but definitely someone who held her cards to her chest. Her brown hair spilling down her back, a few strands falling over her shoulder all but covering those striking blue eyes that flew over to the princess once the door opened. The mage had been sitting on a stone bench, reading a book about a topic that Cynthia couldn't see at the current angle. She took a moment to think of what she would say before speaking. "Princess..."

Cynthia couldn't help but straighten her posture hearing that voice. Her smile wavered but the princess stayed strong "Hello madam, enjoying the fine weather I see" she would not be going back. Not after getting so far.

"Should you not be studying, your majesty" ah. Straight to the point. Great.

"I'll let you know I am taking a break. You should try it. Take a walk, maybe go to the town and sit at a nice cafe" The princess honestly kind of meant it. The court mage could usually be found either in her chamber, perfecting spells or practicing enchantments. "That being said, have you ever... left the castle?"

Neradia seemed to flinch slightly at that but composed herself "'I'll have you know' i am much too busy for that. Your father keeps me busy, much too busy for wasting time in such ways"

"That's no fun. How about this: I'm probably going to town to visit the market, you should join me!" the princess offered with a smile

"Thank you, milady, but I will have to decline. I am much too busy with my studies, as should be you" the mage's eyes drifted down back to her own book "if you are so focused on me always being within these walls, why are you doing the same thing and not going for a walk outside the castle?"

The princess had one last thing she could try that would get the court mage off her back, gods she hoped it would work "i was going to visit my mother"

Neradia paused hearing that, so many thoughts flickered in her sky blue eyes, so many things she wanted to say but wouldn't "of course, your majesty."

Cynthia nodded and walked past the mage, once a few yards away she sighed with relief, a smile returning to her face as she saw her destination. She all but ran past the arch of roses she usually would take time to admire.

Her pace slowed as she finally reached her destination. Her favorite spot in the entire kingdom. "Hey mom" her voice broke slightly as she sat next to the tombstone where her mother rested. She lay her head gently on the stone, resting her book on the grass next to her as she started to talk. When a day was stressful, she'd come here and talk. Tell her mom everything. She knew this was probably a sad sight to see, but it made her feel better, and that's all that mattered to her

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