"What about Italy and our family?"

Javan asked as I started to walk away. I tunred and looked at him. My head still hurts, not as bad but I really don't want to deal with him.

"Your family. My family is here. I'll stay here. Now I'm going to sit in silence in my room so this stupid headache will leave."

I turned in my heals and left them all. I heard what they were saying though.

"I told you. She's not going go."

Maverick said.

"She'll go if she knows what right for her."

Javan snapped back at him.

"Jay, we can't make her come with us."

That was Zane...I think. Or was it Everett? I don't know.

"I'll figure something out. She's coming home with us by the end of this week."


"I'll be back to talk."

I heard him stand and leave. I sighed them went to my room and just sat there. At 1:55 I got up, grabbed my stuff for a street race, and went downstairs.

"I'll be back tonight...or tomorrow!"

I yelled before leaving and meeting up with Gray. He was already there.

"Hey, sorry for yelling at you earlier."

"You're good. I know how bad your migraines get. I know that wasn't the only problem though, what's wrong?"

"My oldest brother wants to adopt me so he can be my legal guardian, then I'd have to move to Italy and meet the rest of my family. I did find out my parents are both dead apparently. Which is a good thing, I didn't want to meet them. Also I have until the end of this week to say I'm going to live in Italy with them, or else my oldest brother will try to like kidnap me or some shit."

"Well shit."

That's all Gray had to say for me to start crying, again. His arms we're immediately around me. Comforting me.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. You can always text or call me. I've met some your brothers, and Mateo, they seem pretty cool and chill. I think you'll like being with them. And you know damn well I don't like people, but here I am saying I like these idiots who left you...besides the point. Give them a chance Red. If you really don't like them, come back here when you're 18. It's only a year away, and I'll be right here if you ever need me. I'm not going to leave you. I promise."

"...I love you Grayson."

I mumbled into his shoulder. He laughed at me.

"I love you too Victoria."

"Ew. I don't like my name. Oh my lord! Mavrick kept saying my full name this morning and I wanted to kill that man. I mean I love him, I really do, but...ugh!"

Gray laughed at me again.

"Gray...do you know if a street race is happening tonight?"

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