[21] Discussion

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"Nancy! Nancy wake up!" Steve exclaimed, still shaking her.

"F*ck It!" Y/N exclaimed "go find a song she likes! Ricky. Get bohemian ready. I'm going in."

She flew into the portal and landed correctly on the ground, she placed her hands a few centimeters away from Nancy's face and danced her fingers around. her eyes turned white as she got into Nancy's mind.

"Guys! Hurry!" Steve exclaimed. Everyone in the normal world rummaged through all of Rodrigo's things. "What the hell is this!" Robin asked as she held an 18+ DVD.

"No time!" Max exclaimed. They kept searching until Nancy finally broke out of the trance. She dropped to the floor, terrified. Steve helped her up before realizing Y/N was still in a trance.

"Ricky!" He exclaimed

"On it!" Ricky called. He threw the device into the portal and Steve placed the headphones on her head. Within a few seconds, she woke up with a gasp and looked around the room.

All three got out of the portal in order to discuss. Y/N was on the couch, next to Eddie as he had his arms wrapped around her waist. Along with Erica and Steve. Dustin, max and Lucas were standing up, Nancy on a single couch, with Ricky and Robin on the floor.

Nancy explained everything she saw, how something is going to attack Hawkins, our Hawkins. And that the town is going to be ripped up, and an army of monsters is going to attack.

Y/N laid her head on Eddie's chest and was playing with his rings as Nancy talked. Soon it was her turn to explain what she saw. She stayed silent for a minute before she said something.

"So... I saw the same sh*t Nancy did... for the first part. When she got out I was stuck there with Henry, and he told me that uh" she took a second to breathe. "He showed me, you guys. Dead. In horrific ways... I don't really want to get into too much detail but... yea. And he told me that I was a missing puzzle piece to all of this"

"What does that mean?" Robin asked

"I don't know" Y/N sighed

"It doesn't make any sense though" Steve added

"It doesn't!" She got off of Eddie and stood up "And..! He is the one who helped me get these stupid powers"

"What!?" Ricky exclaimed

"When I was in that trance, he showed me how. I was messing around with something while I was at dads job and broke something. That 'something' somehow got into me and that's how." Y/N paced back and between the room. "But- the 'thing' itself can't activate it. So Henry injected something into me and that's why I got sick- whatever that thing was, activated it."

"So what does that mean?" He asked

"Well, whenever Henry kills someone, he has their memories and their abilities. So- what if he went after me to get whatever the f*ck kind of power I have-"

"it doesn't make sense, he went after you when he couldn't get to max. She chose her first" Dustin added

"Right, he DID choose Max. But that was before I found Chrissy's body. Before I was venerable. Afterward is when I got the symptoms."

"So that means..?" Max asked

"I don't know, but just- hear me out" she sat back down next to Eddie. "My powers are the same as his. I lift sh*t, I read people's minds, and I can give them hallucinations." Eddie wrapped his arms under Y/N's and laid his chin on her shoulder.

"So?.." he asked

"So I am connected to him. In one way... I don't know my entire full potential so I could have something that can do crazy damage... so if he gets his fifth victim by Max then it will be sh*t... but if he gets it by me then it's over for all of us..." Y/N finally finished her thoughts and sighed.

"Well, we're screwed" Robin sighed.

"Try calling them again!" Steve said. Max walked to the phone and dialed, she waited a few seconds before she placed the phone back on the wall.

"Busy... again" she sighed

"We have to go back in there. Back to the upside down" Nancy said.

"No! No! No!" Everyone exclaimed

"Let's think this through!" Steve argued

"What is there to think?" Nancy asked

"We barely made it out there in one piece!"

"Yea because we weren't prepared! But this time, we will be. We'll get weapons and protection. We'll go through the gate, we'll find his lair, and we'll kill him."

"Or he'll kill us!" Y/N exclaimed "the only reason you survived is because he wanted you to! He's not scared of us!"

"And for a good reason!" Robin said getting up. "We were wrong about Vecna. Henry... one? Sorry, what are we calling him now."

"One," Dustin said "Vecna!" Erica said, "one?" Lucas asked. "Henry," Nancy and Y/N said

"Right" Robin sighed "we've learned something new about Vecna/Henry/One! He's a number like Eleven! A sick, evil, male, child-murdering version of her... with really bad skin. But my... my point is, he's super powerful. He could turn us inside out with a snap of his fingers. It's not a fair fight."

"So then why fight fair?" Dustin asked "your right! He's like Eleven. But that gives us an upper hand. We know Eleven's strengths and weaknesses. When El remote travels she goes into this sort of trance-like state, I bet the same is true for Vecna."

"That would explain what he was doing in that attic," Ricky said

"Exactly! When he attacks his next victim, I'll bet you he's back in that attic. Physical body defenseless." Dustin concluded

"Defenseless?" Steve asked, "what about the army of bats?"

"True, we'll have to find a way past them, distract them somehow." Ricky sighed

"And uh- how do we do that exactly?" Eddie asked

"No idea, but once they're gone. He doesn't stand a chance! It'll be like stabbing sleeping Dracula in his coffin!" Dustin smiled

"That all sounds good in theory but there is no pattern to Vecnas killing" Robin added

"Yea there is," max said "I can still feel him. I'm still marked... cursed. I ditch Kate bush, I draw his focus back to me."

"Max" Lucas sighed "you can't. He'll kill you!"

"I survived before. I can survive again."

"No." Y/N stood up "You're not going it."

"Why not?" Max asked

"It's too dangerous for you. I- I can do it"

"It's more dangerous if you do! If he kills you, the entire world will end and we can't stop it."

"Your too important to lose max! I'm older, I have powers... I can figure out a way to use them in the trance and I'll be fine!"

"But if he gets you, the world would end! I just need to keep him busy long enough so that you guys can get into that attic. And then you can chop off his head, stab him in the heart, blow him up. I honestly don't care how you put that asshole in his grave but I'm doing it!" Max argued

Y/N stared her down, trying to see if Max would break. But she didn't. Max stared back at her coldly. Y/N got frustrated and accidentally shattered a vase behind her. She sighed and finally allowed Max to do her plan.

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