Havan x Fem reader: KCA's

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A/n: This is a request by @torimalfoy6 thank you for requesting! In this one shot you will be apart of the ravens home cast and will win an award. You are also famous. Even if thats not how the kcas went just go with it! Hope y'all enjoy!

Havan POV:

I was walking into the building for the Kids Choice Awards when I saw a cute girl about my age talking to someone.

'Wow she's really pretty' I thought to myself.

She looked like she was yelling at the guy. Once he walked away she put her head in her hand and sat down. I decided to go over and sit down next to her.

"Hey, you okay? You don't seem too happy." I asked her while she looked up.

"Oh, me? Yeah I'm fine! Why do you ask?"

"Well you were fighting with that guy and you looked kinda upset."

"Oh it was my agent. We had a bit of a disagreement." She said with a small smile on her face.

I smiled back at her with a reassuring smile. Then I realized who she was. It was Y/n L/n. She's my favorite actress.

"Wait you're Havan Flores right? You play Chapa in danger force. I absolutely love you and that show!" She said while perked up a bit.

"You love me? I love you! You're my favorite actress!" I said with a wide smile.

We sat there and talked for a little bit until we had to find our seats.

"If I get slimed and they get it in my hair I will hurt someone." She told me as we were walking.


We both separated  to go sit down in out designated spots which were rows away from each other. I was towards the middle of the stage with the Danger Force cast and she was off to the side with the Ravens Home cast. 

A couple awards went by until I heard a specific one,

"And the award for best actress in a TV show is Y/n L/n!"

The crowd erupted with applause and yells as she walked onto the stage. She looks amazing with the lights shining on her.

Y/n POV:

"Thank you so much for this! I can't express how thankful I am. I'm really happy right now so thank you. I'd like to thank all of my amazing cast members and co-stars and this is a big honor, Thank you." I said with a smile on my face.

I looked at a timer in front of me and I still had like five minutes up on the stage. 

"It says I have to stay up here what do I do?" I said as the crowd laughed.

All of the sudden slime is dumped on me and in my hair. It got in my mouth so I spit it out.

"Don't get that stuff in your mouth! It tastes horrible."

Everyone laughed at my little comment. I looked out into the crowd and smiled at Havan directly.

I shook my hair out like a wet dog and let the slime fall out. My hair was still soaked and gooey when I went back to my seat and sat down. 

"Ya have fun?" One of my cast members asks me.

"Yep. For sure." I said with a sarcastic tone in my voice.

Once the awards were over I was trying to find Havan so I could get her number but I couldn't see her anywhere so I just hung out with the cast and went home.

Havan POV:

I couldn't find Y/n anywhere afterwards which made me pretty sad because I wanted to get her number but she just disappeared. 

1 month later:

We were sitting on the set for danger force waiting for Mike when he walked up with someone behind him.

"Okay everyone, I want you all to meet your new costar, Y/n L/n." Mike said while stepping aside a bit.

"Hey Y'all." she said with a light wave.

"Hey Havan, isn't that the girl you met at the KCA's that you said was really pretty?" Luca said quietly to me.

"Yep" I whispered back.

After we all talked to each other for a while Y/n came up to me.

"Hey Havan." Y/n called to me as I was walking away.

"Yeah?" I asked her with a light blush coating my cheeks.

"Do you wanna maybe go out for coffee sometime?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, I would love that!"

Hey guys! sorry this chapter took so long I've had a lot of homework lately. I hope you enjoyed and keep requesting! Have a good rest of your day/night


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