Havan x Fem reader: I like you

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A/n: This is a request by @Alexandra_Teodora7 Thank you for requesting!

Havan POV:

I was on FaceTime with Y/n while she was talking about her day. We've known each other forever, but we can only talk on FaceTime since she lives in Romania and I live in the United States.

She was talking about how when she went to the store she saw a Karen being rude to a lesbian couple. She had a very serious face while she was explaining how much she hated it.

'She looks really cute when she's pationate' I thought to myself. 'No, Havan no, she probably doesn't like you like that.'

"You good?" Y/n's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Um, yeah why?"

"You looked zoned out for a second." She says with a small smile.

'She looks so pretty when she smiles- no stop it'

"I gotta go." I tell her quickly.

"Oh," she says with a slight frown "Ok. I'll talk to you tomorrow then?"

"Um, yeah." I reply.

"Alright, Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too!" I say as I hang up. (no they are not dating yet. Saying I love you can be platonic.)

I sigh and lay down and look at my ceiling as I come to a realization. I'm in love with my best friend.

Y/n POV:

'Well that was kind of odd,' I thought to myself 'now that I think about it, she's been acting weird for. while now. What's going on with her? Did I do something wrong? Is she gonna leave me?'

I started freaking out a little until I decided to go to lay down and go to bed.

Time skip to the next day

We were on FaceTime again and I was telling her about how dumb my homework was and I noticed she wasn't really paying attention. I was getting kind of fed up so I asked her,

"Did I do something wrong?"

"What?" She asked a bit taken back.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No, what would make you think that"? She asked with a mix of sadness and confusion on her face.

"You've been really distant lately and it just seems like you don't want to talk to me."

"No, it's just-"

"It's just what Havan? What's going on with you?"

"I just- I can't tell you."

"Really? Did ten years of friendship really end up meaning that we keep secrets from each other? You know what, you can call me back when you're done keeping secrets from your best friend."

"Wait I-" I heard her say before I hung up.

I felt guilty and a tear went down my cheek as I put my hands over my face. Then I went back to doing my homework with tears streaming down my face every once in a while.

Havan POV:

"Wait I-" I tried to say before she hung up.

"No, no, no, no,NO! WHY DIDN'T I JUST TELL HER?" I yelled.

I grabbed my phone and FaceTimed Dana.

"Hey what's up." She asked in a cheery tone.

"I messed up things with Y/n really bad."

"What happened?"

I explained the whole situation and what happened.

"Well you need to get her back and tell her!"

"But how? I don't even know if she likes me." I said with unsureness (is that even a word?) in my voice.

"Of course she does! I've seen the way she looks at you on call and when she came to visit!" She replied with enthusiasm.

"You know what, I have an idea!"

"And what would that be?" She said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I gotta go. See you later!" I said as I hung up.

I went onto my computer and bought the soonest ticket for a flight to Romania.

Time skip bc I'm lazy

After I got off the plane I got a cab to her house, obviously I know where she lives, we're best friends.

As I got out of the car and walked up to the door I felt anxious. 'What if she doesn't wanna see me? What if I came all the way out here for nothing? What if...I ruined it all?'

I pushed it all aside and knocked on the door.

"What do you- Havan?"

"Hey Y/n."

Y/n POV:

I was sitting on my couch watching TV when I heard a knock at the door. My family was out so I had no idea who it could've been.

I opened the door. "What do you- Havan" It took me a minute before I noticed who it was. She had her same nervous smile on, I always found that cute about her.

"Hey Y/n."

"Oh my gosh what are you doing here?" I asked while hugging her tightly. Even though I'm mad at her doesn't mean i'll be a monster and not hug my best friend.

"I came to say sorry and tell you something really important." She said while hugging me even tighter.

She came into the house and we sat on the couch.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry!" She said with tears running down her face "I should've told you what was going on. I distanced myself from you when I needed you and I made you upset and I never meant to hurt you but I did and-" I pulled her in and hugged her while she cried.

"I know you didn't mean too. I overreacted because I was afraid of losing you and all that did was push you away further." I said as I pushed her back to look her in the eyes.

"Y/n I like you." She blurted out.

"Thanks I guess? I like you too."

"No, not like that. I like like you. No. I love you! I love the way the wind goes through your hair and when the sun reflects off of your face and makes you glow. I love your smile and your laugh and the way you always make me feel happy no matter how bad my day is! If you don't feel the same way that's alright but I just had to tell you in person."

I looked at her surprised. I didn't know she felt that way.

"I don't know how to respond to that," I said with a small laugh as she looked down. "but, I love you too!"

"Can I kiss you?" She asked, sounding unsure. (consent is cool kids!)


We leaned in and our lips locked in with each others. It was a slow but passionate kiss.

"I love you!"

"I love you too!"

I'm sorry this took me so long to get done! Life has been kinda crazy lately! I hope you liked it and feel free to request!


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