Aside from the Blood Hell which was the entrance to the demonic realm, there was now no place in the world for Wenren È.

Once he was corrupted, the demonic nature would overtake his humanity, and he would become a monster only capable of transforming everything around him into blood and absorbing it.

He hadn't had any of the meat back at the restaurant because his body was now composed of blood mist fused with his soul. Alcohol was a liquid and could be absorbed into his blood without any problems, but as for other foods, unless he dissolved it into blood to be absorbed, it would leave his body unchanged as he could no longer digest food. He was unable to store the Seven Killing Halberd inside his body either, since his dantian no longer existed.

Right now, Wenren È's body was made of solidified blood mist. He wasn't unable to use light flash anymore, and in fact, a blood cultivator's light flash was the fastest in the cultivation world. But if he used it, he would expose himself to Yin Hanjiang.

After he carried out the Blood Severing Technique, the only path left to Wenren È was abandoning his humanity and becoming a demon, with ascension becoming a near-impossibility.

"Venerable!" Yin Hanjiang clutched frantically at Wenren È's robes, choking on his words and unable to speak further.

Wenren È picked Yin Hanjiang up with his now-solidified hand and climbed back to the top of the cliff. He threw an arm around Yin Hanjiang, patting his back, and said quietly, "Don't grieve for me. This Venerable is still alive, is he not? And now that I've increased my power, I'm afraid there might be no one in this world who can take me on."

Between living now and dying of his injuries back in that cave, Wenren È had chosen to live.

He hadn't wanted to tell Yin Hanjiang because he was worried Yin Hanjiang would obsess over it, beating himself up for being too weak to save his master.

Wenren È didn't want to see that kind of self-blame. It was so meaningless.

Yin Hanjiang understood Wenren È well. He clung to Wenren È's sleeve, making choked noises, but in the end did not cry. Controlling himself, he let go of Wenren È's robe.

He got down on one knee and said resolutely, "It is indeed as the Venerable said. The ultimate victory is survival. This subordinate has pledged to follow the Venerable for life, so this subordinate can only ask the Venerable to take him along to the Blood Hell."

"Very good. This is more like the child this Venerable raised." With a sweep of his sleeve, Wenren È lifted Yin Hanjiang to his feet. "You can follow me, but don't kneel to me. This Venerable doesn't want to see you kneel."

"Understood," Yin Hanjiang said.

The glimpse of pain on his face had already been hidden away, and the hint of youthful vigor that he had shown over the last few days at the border town had also vanished. Yin Hanjiang was once again the expressionless Left Protector, dedicated to his master with no thoughts of his own.

His pain hadn't vanished. He only forced it back, putting on his habitual mask to cover up his emotions.

Wenren È saw that Yin Hanjiang had calmed and assumed he had been reassured. If he guided Yin Hanjiang a bit now and again, then even if in the end he died like the book said, Yin Hanjiang hopefully wouldn't go mad.

Neither of them brought up the blood arts again as they continued to search for the spiritual realm. In the end, aside from running into a horde of poison bats, they didn't manage to find anything after a month of searching.

The strangest part was that around now was the time Baili Qingmiao had arrived at the Golden Coast Cliffs in the book, yet after waiting several days, they saw no sign of her.

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