"But Sensei, he has four arms!" Zane said.

"Uh, must I remind you ever since he turned evil he's been trying to get our Golden Weapons?" Jay said.

"Enough!" Sensei yelled.

"Yes, Sensei." The guys chorused.

"This isn't about the weapons, it's about my son." Garmadon said as he got up.

"From here on out, you will obey me and you will respect my brother." Sensei said.

"Yes, Sensei." We said while bowing. When I rose my head I saw Garmadon's eyes widened while he stared at me.

"Ria?" He questioned shocked. I saw Sensei stiffen and rose an eyebrow at it.

"I'm Nova. But who is Ria?" I asked. Sensei opened his mouth but Garmadon spoke first.

"She's your mother." He blunted while Sensei sighed.

"M-my mother?" I questioned. "How do you know my mother?"

"She was my sister-in-law." Garmadon said.

"Sister-in-law? But that would make you my uncle and......" I trailed off while looking at sensei.

"Hold up! Are you telling me that Garmadon is Nova's uncle?!" Jay yelled.

"But that means Lloyd is her cousin." Zane said.

"And Sensei is her father." Cole said what I couldn't. It went silent and everyone stared at sensei for confirmation for what we thought. We watched him sigh and drop his head.

"It's true. I'm Nova's father." The confirmation I needed came, but I didn't know how to react. My sensei, the one who raised me, was actually my father? Why didn't he tell me sooner? My breathing picked up and I started shaking. "Nova-" Sensei said but I raised a shaking hand to cut him off.

"I-I need some time." I stammered before running below deck and into my room. I slammed the door shut before collapsing onto my bed. 'Sensei's my father?! Why didn't he tell me when he saved me? 13 years and he tells me now?' I was too caught up in my thoughts to notice someone walk into my room and place a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and snapped my head up to see Cole standing in front of me with a worried look on his face.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked as he sat beside me.

"I don't know." I sighed as buried my face into my hands. "He lied to me. For 13 years. For 13 years he could've told me he was my father but he didn't. And I feel like he wouldn't have told me if I hadn't asked who Ria was." I explained. "I'm just so confused. I don't know what I'm supposed to think or feel. The one person I trusted most lied to me."

"What do you think you should feel about finding out Sensei is your father?" Cole asked.

"I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. I guess a part of me feels glad that I have family but another part of me feels betrayed. Am I supposed to be mad that he lied or happy that I know who my family is?" I asked.

"You feel what you will feel. Whether that's betrayal, anger, sadness, happiness, or all of them. You have the right to feel whatever." Cole reassured. "No matter what you feel, I will be right here."

"Thank you, Cole." I sighed as I gave him a hug. He hugged back and we just sat there for a few minutes before a knock sounded at the door. We look over and Nya was in the doorway.

"Hey, we're discussing the Fangblades. Thought you should know." Nya softly said before leaving. I sighed before standing up and stretching. I took a few deep breaths before turning to Cole.

"We should go. We still have Lloyd to save." I said. Cole nodded and we left my room to go to the bridge. I squared my shoulders before entering and avoided looking at Wu.

Crystal Ninja(Ninjago-Cole Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now