I didn't know why he looked so upset, but at least it wasn't because of the kiss. Now all I have to worry about is this party that the f-boy is hosting.

Jisung POV

After class was over, the only thing I could think about was Lee Know. He just kissed my cheek and left. Is that the best he could do? I believe he's better than that. And then Felix called him a thief. It seems that Felix would stop at nothing to get what he wants.

Am I what he wants?
That would be one hell of a twist.

I waited outside for Hyunjin to stop bribing the teacher to change his grade. While waiting, Changbin came over to me from across the hall. We were laughing until Hyunjin stormed out of the class. We were just walking and mocking Hyunjin on the way to the library.

"You know," Hyunjin started catching Changbin and I's attention, "Let's have a party tonight."

"Is this to drown the feeling of possibly not passing," Changbin asked, already knowing the answer.


There was nothing like a party Hyunjin threw. His parents went out often, and when he felt down he would throw a party to drown the feeling. Let's just say these parties were every other weekend. Sometimes he would just throw the party to piss his parents and his neighbors off. the police would most likely be called or his parents would ground him. But once that was done he would just do it all over again.

"I might even invite Bang Chan." He said with a smile as he jolted down the hall.

Changbin and I started laughing at how cute he was. Even though he was a train wreck, he was the train wreck that Changbin and I lived to save every day.

Before I could gather my thoughts on the party I see a text from my dad. It seemed pretty angry, but that's just how he was. He usually called me names and screamed at me because I was the oldest and needed to be more like a man. But this time pissed me off.

I started to slow down my walking and lost pace with Changbin while I was reading the messages. I snapped out of it once we made it to the doors of the library. Hyunjin got there first and started panting from all the running. Changbin and I came in shortly after. Before we could come into earshot of what he was saying, the sight of Lee Know caught me. He seemed stressed about something, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"There's going to be a little get-together at my house." He said, still catching his breath, "My parents are out of town. Lots of drinks, a pool, and loud music sounds nice."

Everyone was excited, and the stressed look on Lee Know's face disappeared. I was excited but my dad's words shot the bliss out of me. I love drinking and may have a heavy hand. I know I'm quite small, but one time I chugged a whole bottle of vodka and still drank after that. Once I get going, there's no stopping me.

"Lee Know I heard you were a lightweight?" Changbin teased.

"That's a challenge I'll accept." He said confidently.

Lee Knows not the type to drink that much. That's one of the things I learned about him. He's not a lightweight or anything, he just doesn't do it as often as everyone else in the group.

He has no idea what he got himself into. You agree to something Changbin says, and you're in for a wild night. Where do you think I got my heavy drinking from?

Everyone was laughing and talking about how tonight was going to be. I was too busy seeking a way to get out of the hell hole with my dad. I never really seeked his approval, but it would be nice for him to feel proud of his first son.

"Party?" Bang Chan questioned catching me off guard.

"Yeah and surprisingly, you're invited as well," Changbin replied.

"PARTY AT MY HOUSE TONIGHT! SPREAD THE WORD!" Hyunjin said getting on his chair.

Seungmin shushed him while bringing him back to the ground. Seungmin was like Hyunjins little patrol dog. He kept him in line when we weren't around. Without Seungmin, no one would know what the hell Hyunjin was up to.

Before I knew it, there was a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Lee Know standing over me. For a moment he was just staring at me, I was hoping he wasn't getting hard again. The word 'what?' came out softly, bringing him back to earth. He motioned me to follow him outside of the library.

We walked out and stood by the doors. For a moment I was still in my head. I wasn't sure what Lee Know was doing but that was the least of my worries.

"T-the party, right?" He chuckled.

I stared at him for a long minute trying to figure out this code he was speaking in. Did he want to talk about the party? Why couldn't he just say that when we were with the others? The people who were already talking about it. He scratch his neck and looked away. I found it a tad bit funny how he couldn't hold eye contact when he was embarrassed. Instead of laughing in his face, I stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry for kissing you!" He screamed causing my eyes to grow wide. The people that were walking in stared at us. He mouthed 'I'm sorry to them as they walked into the library. When He looked back at me, I couldn't hold back anymore. A smile slowly showed on my face. "I hope that makes you feel a little better."

"I didn't mind the kiss," I started, "I'm upset because-"

The bell rang putting the conversation on hold. I looked up and before he could say anything else, Jeongin came walking out of the library. He said bye to us as the others filed out as well. I went with Jeongin to talk about the situation.

I spent some time thinking about myself and how Lee Know was caring about me. That's why he looked so stressed? He must have been beating himself up because of the kiss.

It did annoy me that he just kissed me and then ditched me. But I had bigger things to worry about. I just hope this party can take my mind off it.

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