Chapter 1

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We all pile out of the minivan as we are running late to Lorraine's graduation, Bud and Nora soon get out of their own car to follow us in but one person is missing. "Tommy, where's Charlie?"

"He'll be here, don't worry Maddie." Tom assures, ushering us all in and down the aisle of seats. 

I look at the lined up graduates, waiting to collect their diplomas and see Lorraine standing their anxiously, however, she instantly relaxes at our entrance.

"Oh there she is!" Nora exclaims and excitedly waves at Lorraine before taking her seat with Bud. The whole family fills up a row of seats, with me on the end next to Jake and a free seat beside me waiting for Charlie to show up. 

My leg bounces nervously as I wait for Charlie to turn up. If he misses this Lorraine will never forgive him. And he wouldn't forgive himself either. I feel a warm hand be placed on my thigh, stopping the movement in my leg. I look up at Jake and he whispers, "Don't worry, he'll be here." I simply nod and face the front, Jake's grip on my leg doesn't loosen once.

The person in front of Lorraine is called up on stage just as Charlie runs in and takes the seat next to me, earning a sigh of relief. "Cutting it close, eh Char?"

"Shush." He smiles and places his arm on the back of my chair.

"Lorraine Baker!"

Tom jumps out of his seat at the sound of his daughter's name, the whole family starts cheering and whooping loudly. Lorraine turns to us, ignoring the rest of the crowd, and jumps up and down excitedly. 

"Go on Barbie!" I cup my mouth so my voice travels further and Lorraine makes eye contact  with me and glares before smiling widely, which I return.


I am sitting at a table with Jake on one side of me, Mike on the other and Sarah and Mark sitting across from me at Lorraine's graduation after party, as we watch Henry and his band play for everyone. Charlie was sitting next to Mike and Mark but left to take a call and get a drink.

The band finish their song and everyone cheers for them as they bow and exit the small stage, then Tom and Kate walk up to the stage to give their speech to Lorraine. 

"Lorraine." Tom begins, "We are all so proud of you... for keeping your chin up and charging the mountain. And for being a unique and truly wonderful person. And for getting that internship at Allure magazine! Did you know about that? Even though I'm gonna spend the entire summer trying to convince you that staying here in Chicago is a much better choice for your future than moving to dirty, expensive, crime-ridden New York City, but here's to Lorraine!"

We all cheer and Kate looks on the verge of tears. "Okay, uh, my daughter Nora and her husband, Bud, you wanted to say something." Bud and Nora make their way to the stage, "And our future line backer!" Tom and Kate awkwardly get off the stage. 

"Uh, first of all, congratulations Lorraine. Bud and I hope that our baby will be as cool and accomplished as you." Nora starts, smiling widely. "And second of all, I don't mean to make this toast about Bud and I but we have some kind of big news."

Bud steps in front of the microphone and I over hear Tom mumble, "You know about this?"

"I've, um, just been offered the vice-presidency of a new advertising firm." Bud announces. 

"That's great!" We all cheer. "Congratulations!"

"In Houston." Bud finishes and everyone's faces drop.

"Oh." Kate says and I look at her and Tom confused.

"We're moving in September. Thank you!" Bud rushes out and they both exit the stage, Nora waving cheerfully.

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