• 𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖤𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍 🏥

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Sidney had a run in with cotton in the library and when the cops came to get him, dewey had came with them too and told Sidney she had to come with him.

Dewey wouldn't tell her anything until they got to the station, and the fact that Randy and Y/n weren't by her side made her feel sick. Usually when she got called in, Randy and Y/n were called in too but seeing as she was alone this time, meant either they just wanted to talk to her or the worst thing imaginable has happened.

"Sidney sit down" Sidney looked at dewey with an unsure face before slowly sitting on the chair as she looked around the police station waiting for her two best friends to walk in

"What's going on dewey" dewey sat infront of her, leaning forward as he played with his hands

"Something happened Sid,  earlier today with randy and y/n" Sidney took a deep breath as she told herself everything was okay

"So- so where are they now?" Dewey tried to push back the tears as he looked down at his shirt, Sidney following his actions "dewey, whose blood is that" Sidney asked not wanting to actually know the answer

"It's Y/n's" dewey answered keeping his eyes trained on Sidney's glassy ones

"Where is she, and where's Randy. Dewey what happened." Sidney asked him

"Sid,  y/n was stabbed and when we found her, she was holding onto Randy's body in the back of gales news van" dewey said as the sound of Y/n's screams sounded in his head. The screams that would now keep him awake at night. The feeling of her hands trying to claw him away as she screamed for Randy.

Sidney took a breath as the tears ran out, she put her hand up to her mouth as she tried to contain a sob. She shook her head as tried to push down the bile that was rising in her throat. She pushed back her tears as she tried to compose herself 

"And Y/n? Is she gone too?" Sidney asked praying that they hadn't taken the other reason shes survived this long

"No, she was taken to hospital, she got out of surgery two hours ago. She won't speak to anyone, shes just laying there staring straight ahead of her" Sidney nodded to dewey "I mean it's understandable, she was there when it happened"

Sidney broke down, the realisation hit her that she would no longer have her goofy best friend telling her all about the horror film he watch last night.

No more banging on the door of their dorm in the mornings waking them up

No more speculation on who the killer was

No more laughter filling the door as Y/n beat him at battle ships

It was gone and so was he. And there was nothing she could do about it.

She feared what this would do to Y/n. Sidney knew there was only so much Y/n could take before she would crack.

She knew Y/n put on a brave face whenever Woodsboro was brought up. But Sidney also knew that after the attack at the sorority house that the next thing that happened to Y/n would be the tip of the ice-berg.

Sidney couldn't even imagine what Y/n had seen in that news van. To be honest, she didn't want to know what Y/n had seen.

"It shouldn't have been Randy, it should've been me" Sidney said as she massaged her head with her hand.

Dewey shook his head as he reached out for her but she turned in her seat looking for a phone

"I should call his mother" dewey let out a sigh as he looked down

𝙶𝚄𝚃 𝚆𝚁𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝚂𝙲𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙼𝚂 (𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝟸)Where stories live. Discover now