hanging out together

Start from the beginning

The girl sighed and nodded. Sasuke smiled at her


"Make sure to lock the door" said Sasuke with worry filled in his eyes

"I'll, now you go"


"*Sighs* you worry too much"

"An environment like this and a girl like you living their will make anyone worry for your well-being, Narumi"

"Not everyone, Sasuke.... Not everyone. You have a really kind heart that's why you think this..."

"Okay, take care of yourself" said Sasuke walking away

"I'll, don't worry"

"I'll try not to"

He showed Narumi that he left but actually he didn't left until he heard the door being locked. With a final glance... He left for his apartment in his car.

That night Narumi fell asleep with a small smile on her face, she was really happy that she finally had someone who cared for her well-being.

The same night Sasuke fell asleep with a light frown on his pale face, he was really worried about the girl's well-being. The environment she lived in.. was Full of drunks, robbers, criminal and... Which he was most afraid of...
Rapists. Narumi is a girl any man would crave for... This settled Sasuke's heart on fire just thinking about someone touching her in an inappropriate way boiled his blood.

Not everyone, Sasuke.... Not everyone  his mind wasn't able to forget the sad smile that was on Narumi's Angel face when she said those words. His mind kept repeating her words in his head.

Not everyone, Sasuke.... Not everyone

What does she meant by those words. Maybe it's that... Not every person have someone to care for them... and Narumi was one of them.

But still his mind kept telling him that it was something more then that... Something he didn't knew.  What he didn't knew was there were more things that happened in her past that she didn't tell him... As she was afraid that he would be disgusted by her or should we say on that she didn't trusted him enough to tell him everything.

Will all these thoughts in his mind, he fell asleep...

The next day he woke up early and got ready fast, ate his breakfast, made three bento box and drived to Narumi's apartment to pick her up. The girl was ready.

"You ate breakfast?"

She shaked her head in 'no'

He passed her a bento "I made it"

Narumi's lips curved in a little smile, her way of saying 'thank you'. Sasuke smiled back at her.

Narumi slowly finished her breakfast, until that time they were at the college.

He passed her another bento

"I'm not hungry"

"For lunch and don't forget to meet me at cafeteria"

"I won't" she said going to her class while Sasuke went to his own.


this things continued for weeks, Sasuke came everyday to pick the girl for college, they ate lunch together and after college ended Narumi spended the rest of her day with Sasuke and he won't let her leave without having dinner made by him. He made sure that she was home safe and sound.

They both enjoyed eachother's company a lot. On weekends, Sasuke took her on camping or Just spend the whole day playing games with her. He was able to make her smile and open up to him. None of the girls made him feel that way Narumi did. Her petite figure always made him think he should protect her. Sasuke's friends couldn't be happier for him but Kiba was kinda jealous of him... Not that he wasn't happy for him, he really was but... He couldn't help but be jealous whenever he saw the Adorable blonde with his raven haired friend, she was soooooooooo cute that he won't be suprised if someone arrested her for being too cute and adorable and her height god her short but adorable height made his heart skip a beat whenever she was near him but sadly she was only near when Sasuke was with them.

It was Friday and sasuke was dropping Narumi home late at night.

"Narumi.. for the weekends how about me and you go to my parents house they really wanted to meet you. If you'll come they'll be glad"

"I would love to... But will your parents be okay with a stranger in their house?"

"Narumi! They're the one inviting you"

Narumi sighed "okay, if you say so"

"Good, be ready at 9 am tomorrow it's a little far so, we need to go early"

"Okay, Don't worry" smiled Narumi

"Okay bye" said Sasuke walking away

"Ba-bye~" said Narumi before closing the door

Sasuke didn't left until he heard the door being locked as usual it had become a habit now. He drove to his apartment...

1210 words

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