chapter 9

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I have been wondering
What path I was really
Standing on
But never got my head
To stand on one

Always looking for what i
Was good at
Behind this glass bottle
I hide myself
Inside to stay protected

First step taken
Second step ahead
But what is the future for
The third step
In the world of clouded pains

Clouded in darkness
And dark pains
Thinking every one understood me
But was put wrong once again
By the once
I thought were there

Could the be anything
Ahead of me
If I break out of this glass
Cause I have discovered my path
A strong and vibrant eagle
That searches her own path

Ready not to look back
At the scornful pretender's
This sweet bitter truth
I have discovered
I like a sweet savour
In my lips

Debbie's write
Hag tag mum loves

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