53: I'll say we survived.

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Minerva McGonagall
Hogwarts Deputy Headmistress.

"Merlin!! How many NEWTs have you taken!" Sirius exclaimed as he read her results.

"Just nine." Josette shrugged.

"Who even takes Ancient Runes and Arithmancy??" James made a disapproving face.

"Your girlfriend." Lily quipped "So, what are your results??"

"O in DADA, Potions and Charms. E in Transfiguration and Herbology. A in History of Magic." James answered.


"O in Transfiguration, Charms and DADA. E in Potions and Ancient Runes. A in Astronomy and History of Magic." Remus answered, satisfied with his results.

"O in DADA, Astronomy and Muggle Studies. E in Potions, Charms, Herbology and Transfiguration." Sirius showed of his results proudly.

"So, we all satisfy our results for the Auror applications." Josette grinned happily. "Lily, what about you??"

"Same. I already sent my application and I just hope it gets selected." Lily prayed and handed Josette her result. "I really want to become an healer." She added her eyes shining with hope.

Ancient Runes - O
Arithmancy - E
Care for Magical Creatures- A
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - E
Herbology - O
History of Magic- E
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O

"That's a lot of O's." Josette, James and Peter said in unison.

"With this results I'm sure you'll definitely get what you want." Remus assured them but he was a little sad for himself. He too has dreams for himself, he just can't pursue it. He wants to get advance studies in Dark Arts and Ancient Runes then maybe go into teaching after that but he can't.

"I hope so." Sirius mumbled.

"So, we have our results in which we all rocked and now it's PARTY TIME!!!" James yelled in excitement and they group hugged, sharing their happiness.


29 June: Malfoy Manor.

"Any news??" Rodolphus Lestrange asked his fellow friend as they waited for their Lord's presence.

"Just Bad." Abraxas Malfoy said with a disappointed tone.

"How are we supposed to work when he has locked himself in his room?" Lestrange scoffed. "Salazar knows what his upto now after all a teenager tricked him and even survived his killing curse."

"Don't say that." Malfoy warned, not wanting Tom to hear them. "It's bad that others are questioning him, we can't start that as well. We stand loyal to him in this cause."

Before Lestrange could say anything Tom strutted into the room with annoyance and frustration clearly visible on his face.

"Tell me it was successful." Tom gritted and closed his eyes taking a deep breath.

"Unfortunately it wasn't." Malfoy said, fearfully "Hagrid got the Mountain Trolls on their side, they refused to stand with us."

"Dumbledore!" Tom sighed "It's him, isn't it??"

"Yes. He has some secret organization working against us. The head auror has been constantly in contact with him, I guess he's working for him as well along with the girl." Malfoy answered. The Slytherin gang watch over Josette and Dumbledore and report back to him.

Goddess of Death. Sirius Black |Marauders Era| Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin