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HAI GUYS. So my idiot dentist can't figure outs what wrong with me he  just put me on random meds that "may cause tongue to grow black hair" not even kidding it says that on the bottle. wtf? no. not taking those.. my belly hurts. my cousin got arrested and shes one of my best friends. were both grounded but im grounded longer. ALL I DID WAS GET A C. SHE HAS TO SPEND A WEEK AT JUVI. REALLY. This is why my mom is letting me online at the moment. YES NEW CHPTER

Chapter 4


I throw one of my pillows at the wall and pick up the giant packet from the show.

"blha blah blah random crap i dont care about.. AHA FOUND YOUyou may only bring 3 suitcases' dammit"

I throw the packet at the wall too.

"Okay im actully going to pack now."

I ope my closet and start picking out outfits and clothes that i find presentable. Three grueling hours later I finally finish and decide to order a pizza. I decdie to invite T over too while im at it.

"Hey TT wanna come over? I'm ordering pizza. It''s fooooooood"

I smirk waiting for the comeback about that being a fat joke even though the idiot weighs like 15 pounds and eats all of the time.


She yells so loud that I actually pull the phone away from my eaar.

"Are you coming?"

theres a pause.

"can we get pineapple on the pizza?"

I laugh and shake my head.

"Whatever. Just come on ov-"


Theres a click and then a dial tone.

"Okaaaaay then"

I order the pizza and sit down on the couch. I smile when i see the picture of my mom and i. i pick it up and kiss it.

"I love you, Mom"

You see, my mom's not dead or like a run away or something. She works as a special agent for the president. Its pretty cool and all but i don't get to see her a lot.  She is currently stationed in like Russia. I don't even know. She's happy, so im happy too. Plus she signed the papers for me to be on this show.


I put the picture back on the table and sigh.

"No, it isn't here ye-"

The door bell rings.


Theresa runs to the door, throws the money at the poor guy, takes the pizza and slams the door in his face.

"I'm going to miss you."

SHe smiles mid-bite.

"urmph fonna mursh tu too"

"that's disgusting"

She sticks her tongue out at me. We finish the pizza and decide to go to sleep since we have to be at the airport at 5 in the morning.


Theresa is currently wearing pajamas in the middle of an airport, sobbing. So basically she looks like an insane person. Although I don't know what to do. She never cries. Ever.

"Flight 421 to London Now boarding."

"T.. Thats me. Look I'm going to miss you tons and we can Facetime and Skype everyday. Okay?"

She nods and give me a hug.

"I love you."

"i love you too."

And i get on to my plane. Here goes nothing.

I did some internet creeping and found Kaitlin's private twitter. yussss. So thats her on the side. Is she gorgeous or is she freaking gorgeous? ugh not fair

The Singing Project (One Direction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora