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I woke up too music playing and the smell of breakfast coming from downstairs I grabbed my phone checking my socials then I sat up seeing a big bouquet of roses laying at my feet

I smiled grabbing them taking in there scent they smelt so lovely and fresh I got out the bed and went into the bathroom starting on my morning hygiene

"So you back with Ashton" My momma asked bringing me breakfast

"Yes look how he asked" I showed her the flower box

"Awww he reminds me of your daddy"


"The most simple and inexpensive gifts are the best"

"They really are its about the thought that counts" I agreed

"Where you going today"

"Me and Ashton just gonna go out"

"No plans just hanging out" I nodded

"Yes ma'am"

"Well you have fun call me if you need me" she kissed my cheek leaving

Im outside!

"Bye momma"


I got in the car ACE just stared at me smiling showing his bright, flashy grillz

"Why you staring at me"

"I can't look at you" he grabbed my face leaning over kissing me

"You missed me"

"Not really you call me so much it's hard too" I nudge him laughing

"You be calling me"

"What yall be saying we on each other BAD"

"Mhmm I love me some you"

"I love you too" he said making eye contact

My li young ass got him locked in right where I want em we pulled up at the arcade where a couple of his friends was at waiting on us

"Wassup yall" ACE spoke

"Hey Everybody" I waved they all spoke back

"This Tatiana" he friend ask

"Yea this my baby Tati" ACE sat me down on his lap

I looked around at the other bitches that were hear they all was dusty and ugly ass fuck in my opinion and they kept giving me stank faces

I didn't wanna bowl I just couldn't risk breaking a nail ACE got me some wings and fries I ate that while he played

"You look so young how old are you" One of the uglies asked

"Old enough"

"Would you like a shot" I shook my head no

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