I wish you well up there

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Hello to those who don't know Technoblade has died.. Sad right? Anyways I just wanted to let those Technoblade fans know

Don't be sad be happy that he isn't in pain anymore. Yes it's heartbreaking and yes we can be sad and yes we can mourn over the loss of our hero, our sibling, our son, our cousin, our friend, etc but just know

That he isn't in pain. He's up in heaven playing games with his family reuniting with the people he held dear that passed away. I guess god is really going hammer on picking his team huh? That's fine.. not like we can do anything but respect all that he's done

I just want to say sorry for his loss to his family, his fans, his friends, and everyone he was close with

We will always remember you king and we will especially remember your famous quote "Technoblade never dies" Because as long as your in our hearts then you will never die.

"Welcome home Alex, Technoblade, Etc" is what God, Jesus, and the angels are probably saying right now.

But I just want you guys to remember that Technoblade will always be in our hearts and that he's bullying us cause we're mourning over him

Also it's a coincidence how he died a day after my cousin lost to cancer huh? Anyways I have a challenge for you guys. Get up and write a letter to Technoblade telling him how much he inspired you and how much you'll miss him etc then I want you to remember that every time you start to cry about him remember that he isn't hurting then watch old vids of him if you want

But always remember that he cared so much about you guys and that you guys were part of his life. And be proud of that! Be proud that you knew Techno and that he cared for every single one of you guys and that it isn't a permanent goodbye, it's a "I'll see you when my time has come."

That's all I wanted to write for now just to remind you guys he cared for you. Stay safe, drink water, eat something, and remember that Technoblade wouldn't like it if you got hurt cause of his death. Love you all and stay safe. Hopefully I'll write soon. Goodbye for now

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