Part Seven

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Y/n's POV
I was walking with Minx to my house after going down town to get groceries and saw the mailman HBomb talking with Nikki and our other friend in our friend group the one and only Sally

"Hello guys" I waved as they waved back "I was just leaving but here's an invitation to the royal ball the royal family is hosting
"Thank you HBomb!" I said "No problem I'm just doing my job" HBomb said as he rode away on Storm (His horse)

I opened the Envelope

I looked at the girls and nodded sighing "Let's get the horses saddled then we'll be off shopping" I said as I walked in my stables to see all my beautiful horses

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I looked at the girls and nodded sighing "Let's get the horses saddled then we'll be off shopping" I said as I walked in my stables to see all my beautiful horses

I walked pass them patting there head as a greeting in which they neighed back and went to Melody's stall "Hey girl let's get you saddled up and ready to go" I said patting her neck and saddling her up

Once I was done I decided that she would do fine without the saddle and that I'll just ride her Bare "Up" I said as she lifted her foot up for me to get on her I rode her out "Let's go" I said as I made Melody Canter (The canter and gallop are variations on the fastest gait that can be performed by a horse or other equine. The canter is a controlled three-beat gait, while the gallop is a faster, four-beat variation of the same gait. It is a natural gait possessed by all horses, faster than most horses' trot, or ambling gaits. I also got that off of google) With the rest of the girls behind me


"Finally" I groaned after Minx FINALLY picked a dress "let's go pay" I said as I went up to the checkout "It's 50 coins" The Cashier said Timidly "Sure Here" I said putting down a sack of gold coins "This is gold coins I only need five of it then your payment is done" The Cashier said Shyly "Keep the change kid" I said smiling Kindly "I'm Y/n and this is my friend group what's your name?" I asked the Cashier as he responded with Ranboo

"Nice name!" I complimented as we exited the store and rode the horses to my house "Let's Iron it" I said as I Ironed my dress (Not the medal part) "It's almost 10:00 hurry put your stuff on and let's go!" I said as We put our dresses on "Let me help you Sally" I said as I helped put Sally's dress on

"Nice name!" I complimented as we exited the store and rode the horses to my house "Let's Iron it" I said as I Ironed my dress (Not the medal part) "It's almost 10:00 hurry put your stuff on and let's go!" I said as We put our dresses on "Let me h...

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