New skills, new member, and cabbages!

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Y/N had awoken to an empty stable. He had guessed the party already left so he began making his way to the guild. Y/N opened the door to the usual sight of Kazuma and Megumin having breakfast and Aqua being...well Aqua. Y/N sat down inbetween Megumin and Kazuma and ordered breakfast.

Kazuma: Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Morning Kazuma.

Kazuma: Hey Megumin I'm going up levels but I don't see any new skills. What's up with that?

Y/N: Good question Kazuma.

Megumin: You guys seriously don't know about skill points?

Y/N and Kazuma shook their heads no.

Megumin: Well first you need someone to show you the skill. Then it'll show on your card which you can then put your points in to learn it.

Y/N: So you could teach me explosion magic?

Megumin quickly dropped her fork and got close to Y/N's face.

Megumin: THAT'S RIGHT Y/N! All you have to do is witness my ultimate magic and that power could be yours! Is there really any other magic worth learning? No there is not! Just say the word and we'll walk the path of explosions together!

Y/N: Oi calm down! I haven't even given you a direct answer!

Y/N pushed Megumin back and put his hand on his chin.

Y/N: Hmm yeah sure why not. It could be useful.

Megumin: That's perfect! Come along now and join me on the path of expl-

???: Hello again.

The party looked towards an armoured woman with blonde hair. Y/N stared at her for a second before looking away. Megumin grabbed Y/N trying to drag him away.

???: Last night you said you had too much to drink. So once again I'm asking to jo-

Kazuma: Absolutely not!

The girl began to moan and blush.

???: Such a snap decision!

Y/N:'What a weirdo!'

???: Now, now Darkness that won't do. You can't be so pushy!

Y/N: Oi who are you?

???: I'm Chris and I'm a thief as you can see. This here is my friend? I think? Anyway I hear you're in need of some skills. So how about I teach you some thief skills. It'll cost you one drink.

Kazuma: You got yourself a deal! One drink for the lady and Y/N you coming?

Y/N: Nah I don't think I'll need any thief skills.

Kazuma: If you say so.

After Chris finished her drink they headed outside while being followed by Darkness and Kazuma. Y/N sighed and began playing with his strings.

Y/N: Why is our party always meeting with weirdos?

Megumin: HEY!

Y/N: I don't mean you. I mean Aqua, Darkness, and Chris. I guess we're just unlucky.

Megumin stared intently at Y/N's hands while he made a pattern. The pattern was the average orb web.

Megumin: How do you do that? I've never seen string magic.

Y/N: It's a family secret.

Y/N said this while smiling. He got rid of the web and turned towards Megumin.

Y/N: I do much more than just create intricate webs. Watch this.

Y/N connected his strings to Dust who happened to just walk by. Y/N made Dust grab a beer and pour it on himself. He then made Dust hit Keith on the back of his head which led to them fighting. Only then did Y/N retract his strings. Megumin laughed at the antics od Keith and Dust.

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