👍✋Technoghost, Phil & Wil👍✋

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When To Read-Can Be Read While Small Or To A Small Unless Still Mourning, Though It Might Help, Writing This Helped Me:]

T.W./C.W. Fighting Minecraft Skeletons & Being Wounded, A Couple Cusses In Passing & Mentions Passing Away But Not At All In A Negative Way

~~~1249 words~~~

Title-In Loving Memory ( & Clip Channels )

Type-Fluff/Light Angst

Little-hc!Wilbur & Dad!Philza

Big/Caregiver-hc!Technoghost & Dadza

Other Notes;
A Dedication To Technoblade's Family, Friends, And Other Supporters. Realistic SMP Based. B! Storyteller Technoghost, Our Beloved <3

Technoblade's P.O.V.

"GAHHGH!" I exclaimed as I was hit in the calf by an arrow. I didn't hurt, but it sure as Hell wasn't comfortable either. I slay the last of the mobs, a skeleton, and usher the people back to the village, "Watch your step, there are bones scattered about." I warned them as they all filed back into their houses safely. I look back and scan the terrain to make sure that everybody is safely home again when I see something move.

I had pulled my sword, not wanting to just shoot without confirmation that the moving figure had bad intent, and gripped the Orphan Slayer close to my body as I limped back towards the movement. It wasn't until I had gotten closer to it that I realized that it was just another skeleton. I had killed it swiftly in one swipe of the sword but not before, it hit my upper, inner thigh. The hit didn't cripple me this time either, but it stung like all Hell.

If Philza had taught me anything, it was proper first aid, so I didn't pull it out. They had stung and itched, worse and worse as I hobbled back towards the villagers in hopes of aid but by that time they were all sleeping. I had felt so, odd, strange, woozy maybe.?. Probably due to the blood loss.

I didn't want to disturb the people from their recovery from the mob scare so I had lied down to rest as well.

I didn't wake up.

Philza's P.O.V.

I sit in silence as I hear my son tell us about his previous journey. He died, he's never done that before, this is his first life ever lost. We're all so, incredibly lucky to get him back at all. Thank Gods he wasn't stuck in limbo for too long, but he still hasn't come back yet. Physically at least. We have Technoghost however, and I can't be more grateful.

"I'll be right back," says Technoghost, "Wait there." He motions towards the couch as Wilbur closes his mouth wiping the drool off of his chin.

I sit back on the small, brown, leather couch in our shared living room and pull the tie blanket off of the back. Well, it's actually in my house, but they're connected so we just share the living space.

Wilbur finally asks one of the most valid questions he has asked in a long while, "Where is he?"

What on SMPEarth is taking him so long?

After another minute of waiting I decided to get up to go looking for him, completely ignoring what Technoghost said when he had told us to "Wait there."

I get up and off of the couch then drape the tan tie a blanket around my shoulders like a cape. I slide on my slippers on my way over to the spruce door and place my hand on the knob.

The last time I opened this door was, for Technoghost this morning, to see Wilbur frantically looking for Technoblade rambling on and on about how 'he hasn't come back yet' and how he's worried for his brother. We heard a knock and by that point, Technoghost had already known that he wouldn't be able to interact with the door enough to open it for the boy on the other side which he already knew to be his brother.

Flashback & Wilbur's P.O.V.

I walked up to and into Techno's house, fully expecting him to tell me off for barging in so soon after his most recent quest and interrupting his resting time.

Instead, I was faced..
with an empty house.

I panicked, 'where is he?! What happened to him? Is he even okay?!'

'Maybe he's here and I just didn't see him? That could've happened, right? I just missed him, that's all, right?'

I walked over to Dadza's side of the connected houses and knock.

All I remember thinking was how much I wanted Dadza to open his door and I wanted him to show me that Techno was alright. I wanted so badly for him to pull me into the house, to hand me a cup of tea in my favorite mug, and to be sat down by my older brother playing with Legos on the floor as we always did when we were younger.

That almost happened, but never quite did. Instead, the door opened to reveal Philza looking worse than ever. He had a tie blanket wrapped around him like a cape, and bags under his eyes. A telltale sign that he either is or was repressing his regression.

'What does he know? What's happened?'

Dad stepped aside to reveal a floating figure, 'it was a ghost?! but of who?'

it was 'my brother...' 'what happened?..'

Technoghost's P.O.V.

"Wilbur's here.", I report to our father as he seems to finally refocus on the situation.

"Oh!" says Dadza standing up from his spot on the couch, after registering the knocking noise to be somebody at the door.

I float over towards the door, Dadza soon following my path over to open the door for me as I can't quite interact with objects at this point. Sure, I could've floated through to see my brother on the other side but I didn't for a couple of reasons.

One, he does not know I've passed yet and I don't want it to be too sudden, though I don't know how slowly and calmly we could break it to him.

Two, my appearance, in general, would be sudden and he doesn't like surprises or jump scares.

Three, I'd need Dadza anyways to let Wilbur into the house.

Dadza steps aside and lets Wilbur in. He immediately sees me and walks up to me and tries to hug me. Knowing how upset he'll get when he realizes I can't interact with anything, including him, I avoid it by saying that I'm cold and don't want him to catch a cold.

Wilbur nods in understanding and sits down on the couch snuggling up to Dadza's side. I float just above the recliner seat cushion, that's usually famed as "Dad's Chair", just so my floating doesn't seem as foreign to them. They both seem a bit small so I tell them a story, the most recent adventure of mine.

"Wanna hear a story?", I ask the two to see how tired they were, and if they seem like they are in the mood for a nap.

"Yes pwease" says Lil'za, as 'Lilbur just nods his head, mouth slightly open as he is staring in, at, and through my body.

"Well, boys,
I was hit in the calf by an arrow. I didn't hurt, but it sure as Hell wasn't comfortable either."......


The End! Hope You Somewhat Liked It, I Know The Timeline Was Confusing But It's Basically Just A Bunch Of Flash Backs Then Present Then Flashbacks, And Storytelling.

June 30th, 2022 - March 24th, 2023


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