Volume 1: Chapter 1 Part 1

Start from the beginning

The forbidden question that shouldn't be asked around groups of people was then asked by Sudou. He probably didn't realise that he needed to be quiet when asking this or the fact that he shouldn't ask with so many other people around.

But the damage had been done. The other boys turned their heads, now attentive to hear the answer to Sudou's question. Everyone saw Kei completely turn tomato red and turn away in complete embarrassment while trying her best to cover her face with her hands. Kiyotaka was also embarrassed, but he did his best to stay calm and collected unlike his companion.

At that moment, the door to the elevator finally opened and so Kiyotaka pulled Kei and Sudou into the not so crowded elevator and immediately closed the door before the other boys could recover from their shock upon realising what Kei's reaction meant.

The elevator then began dropping to the lower floors, with the destination being the ground floor. Sighing in relief, Kiyotaka then turned to Sudou and spoke.

"That's not a question you should be asking out loud, Sudou. But if you really want an answer, then... Yes."

He decided it was best to come clean with the answer while also warning Sudou to be careful about what he says out in the open. Sudou had an open expression of shock on his face, but he nodded to indicate that he understood the warning.

Upon reaching the ground floor and exiting the elevator, the three of them continued their conversation as they made their way to the main school building. Soon, they entered the building, finished entrance routines, and walked towards their classroom.

"Hey hey, look. It's the power couple!"

Upon entering the classroom, one of the many occupants in the room spoke out to the new entrants. It was Mori Nene, who was also surrounded by Satou Maya, Matsushita Chiaki, Shinohara Satsuki, Ichihasi Ruri, Ishikura Kayako and Maezono.

Seeing that the focus was on the two next to him, Sudou quickly scurried away to his seat so that he wouldn't be part of the spotlight put under Kiyotaka and Kei.

"Mouu. Nene-chan. Stop teasing me!"

Kei, unsurprisingly, complained at the teasing being thrown at her from her close friend. Mori only giggled in response at her pouting leader.

"He he he. Sorry Kei-chan, but you guys are just too cute. Besides, I'm not exactly wrong, am I? It's technically thanks to you two that our class is now in the position that we are in now."

"Eh... Well, when you put it like that..."

"See see. Even you admit that you're a power couple!"

"Ah. Wait... That's-"

Mori kept up the teasing on Kei, prompting others like Satou and Matsushita to do the same with Shinohara and Ichihasi following after too. Kiyotaka watched for a few moments in amusement as he found the embarrassed Kei adorable.

But as he did so, his thoughts moved onto what Mori had mentioned and, as he thought about it, he found himself agreeing with her statement. Just last week on Friday, a Talent Show was held as a welcoming back activity for all the students at ANHS. For their class, Kiyotaka and Kei had taken charge in being the performing act, with some other students including Mori, Matsushita and Satou. Since they won first place in the Talent Show, the class was able to gain 50 Class Points and 200,000 Private Points as a prize, helping them reach their new Class B status.

Kiyotaka pushed those thoughts away as he focused back on the present. Seeing that they were talking to Kei for the time being, he decided to make his way to his friend group who looked like they were waiting for him to join.

"Where do you think you're going, Ayanokouji-kun?"

But just as he was about to do so, he was stopped by Satou. The other girls turned their attention to him too.

"Um... I was going to go join my friends over there..." He could only give this response as he was confused as to why he was being stopped by Satou. Satou smiled and nodded her head in understanding before responding.

"Hehe. Stay here with us and have them join us. Sakura-san, Hasebe-san and Miyake-kun were part of our band too. Since we were all brought together by that band, we might as well start hanging out together as close friends too."

"I agree. It's also a good chance for us all to become closer. We should all take the opportunity while we can. Even though Yukimura-kun wasn't part of our band, Shinohara-san, Ichihasi-san, Ishikura-san and Maezono-san were not either. This can be our first get together between our groups."

It was Matsushita who backed up the idea that Satou portrayed. Mori, Shinohara, Ichihasi, Ishikura and Maezono also nodded their heads in agreement too. Kiyotaka looked over to the Ayanokouji Group, who happened to be listening and watching their conversation, and tried to seek approval with his eyes.

Hasebe Haruka and Miyake Akito, the supposed parents of the group, gave nods to Kiyotaka as if saying "we agree with their idea", causing Kiyotaka to let out a sigh and turn back to Satou.

"Well, if you say so. I guess that can happen."

The Ayanokouji Group made their way to join Kei's friend group. Just from looking at the sidelines of the classroom, it looked like a new clique had been formed thanks to the "power couple".

From this newfound development, only one question was on Kiyotaka's mind as the bonding between the Ayanokouji Group and the supposed Karuizawa Group began.

[Could this be the start of the KiyoKei Group?]


Yes Kiyotaka. It is the start of such a group. Was that a little too cringe?

Also, I saw your comments asking what theory I was talking about. Allow me to enlighten and explain to you. The G-String theory is a theory (was a theory) that stated that all girls in ANHS wear G-Strings instead of general panties. How? Well their skirts are so god damn short that pantsu lines should be visible. However, we do not see any visual of this. The only explanation of this can be that they all wear G-Strings as part of their uniform, which their whole purpose is to prevent pantsu lines from being visible. If the illustrations didn't already prove this theory, then the S2 op just completely cemented it with the Kushida ass shot. Her skirt was way too short that her pantsu should be visible and yet we see none of it (see image below). G-Strings are the only answer... and now you know the origin of the G-String theory and my nickname.

 and now you know the origin of the G-String theory and my nickname

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- rainy26541 (G-String)

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