Himiko's New Friend (5)

Start from the beginning

   "Okie-dokie!" Angie said, then took Kokichi off speakerphone. She then went upstairs and knocked on the door to Himiko and Tenko's bedroom. "Himiko, may I come in?" There was no answer, so Angie slowly let herself in. The room was mostly dark, but light from the moon came pouring in through the open window. A cool breeze entered the room, making it feel empty and lonely.  Angie could see Himiko's phone on the ground; the screen was black and it had been cracked. Angie saw a lump on Himiko's bed under a heap of blankets. She went over to Himiko's bed to remove the blankets until she found Himiko laying there miserably. Her eyes were red from crying, her hair was a mess, but most of all, the fear in her eyes made her look as if she'd never experience a moment of happiness ever again. Angie put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

   "Himiko, Kokichi is on the phone," she said in a quiet voice. Though Himiko felt exhausted, she found herself lunging for Angie's phone. 

   "Kokichi!!! Kokichi!!! Is that really you?" Himiko asked in desperation. Angie sat down next to Himiko to provide extra company.

   "Hey, Stinky Butt!!" Kokichi responded cheerfully. Himiko began to cry. Hearing his voice made her feel a wave of relief wash over her. Angie put a comforting arm around Himiko as Kokichi went on. "I hear you're kinda stuck in the Twilight Zone at the moment. Wanna tell me about it?" Kokichi asked. Through her sob, Himiko couldn't help but laugh at his joke. 

   "Um...well, there's this girl, she k-keeps following me, and I d-don't know how to get her to l-leave me alone," Himiko choked through her sob. "And n-nobody else will believe me, Kokichi! Everyone, thinks I'm CRAZY, and I just...UGGHHHH!!! *sniff* You believe me, right, Kokichi?"

    "Of course!" Kokichi lied. 

   "D-Do you really?" Himiko asked doubtfully, feeling her heart  drop. 

   "Yes, Himiko, I really do believe you," Kokichi replied with a firm, reassuring tone in his voice. It's not that he didn't believe that something was wrong, but in order to get Himiko to calm down and tell him the full story, he had to make her believe that he believed every word she said. "Just take deep breath, okay? And tell me exactly what happened," he said in a soothing voice.  Himiko took a couple deep breaths, relaxed a little, then began to tell Kokichi the story. 

    "So...there's this girl I met in the bathroom. Her name is Guki, and she says she's the Ultimate Thespian. Have you heard of her?" Himiko began.

   "Nope, I haven't," Kokichi replied. "And what the heck kinda name is 'GUKI?!'"

   "I don't know...everyone agreed it was a weird name," Himiko replied between sniffs. She then went to tell Kokichi everything else. She mentioned how Guki started off as a nice girl and then became an insane person who was trying to get rid of her for some reason. She spoke about how she kept trying to introduce Guki to Tenko and Angie before she had run off. She also told him about the locker incident during Biology and how Himiko had to stay after school for disrupting class. She also mentioned the frightening incident she had experienced during detention, as well as the grocery store fiasco, and Guki delivering pizza to their house until she finally caught up to the present. 

   "And that's what happened," Himiko finished. She didn't hear a response. She instinctively grabbed Angie's hand out of fear. "Kokichi?" she asked. "Are you there?" 

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