I am honestly really greatful for Gray. He's so nice and understanding. I just snuggle up to him while we sit on my bed.
Maverick's pov

"You can ask your question Vin."

"Why didn't you guys tell me? How much does Grayson know about this?"

"Because she's your cousin and she didn't want to tell you. You also just lost your mother a year before she came into the picture Vincent. She planned on telling you when she felt ready to. Now I'm not sure how much Grayson knows, but I know he knew more than any of you did before I told you lot. Anymore questions?"

"I'm taking her from here."

Javan spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

"We have a life, and other family, in Italy. It is where she was born and raised-"

"She was raised here, in New York Javan. You'll have to talk to her about it. I'm sure she isn't keen on leaving this place any time soon, especially that kid who's done more for her than you ever have. And I know, she isn't keen with you lot."

"But she should be my responsibility now Maverick. Her legal guardian is dead, she has family. Direct family. Here. Sure we've missed a few years in her life, that was not our fault."

"Really? Cause if I remember correctly you were the ones who ignored the poor girl for the 4 years you knew her. Then you allowed your father to send her to America of all places."

"We didn't know where she was going. We thought she was going to a boarding school."

Javan and I are seething, standing toe to toe. Vincent pulls me into a chair.

"How about we all just give eachother a little bit of space to let everything sink in? Okay? You all go back to your vacation home. I'll deal with everyone here."

Vincent reasoned and everyone listed to him. He walked them out while in sat there. Alone, in the silence.
Victoria's pov

I watched them all leave my house after I heard Maverick arguing with one of them. It sent me into a bit of a panic, bringing back ptsd from the abuse. Micah alway made sure to keep a level voice and remind others he wasn't yelling so they don't need to yell. He did that for me. The last Rivera to leave my house, was Mateo. He left my house. Everything Micah owned was left to either me or Vincent. He talked to us about this multiple times. Vincent always said he only wanted the books and cars. That's what he got, plus Micah's vacation home that he stopped going to when his wife died. I was left with everything else, the money, the house, the Mafia. At the ripe age of 17.
It's only noon. We're having lunch. I don't feel like eating. I stare at my food as if it would suddenly start attacking me and I need to be prepared to attack back.

"Ria, per favore mangia."
(Ria, please eat.)

Rick said to me. I pick up my fork and eat the spaghetti, little bit by little bit. I ate it all but felt sick. I went up to my room and into my bathroom. I ended up throwing up everything I just ate. I decided to shower, maybe it would make me feel better...It didn't. After I put my clothes back on I went to lay in bed but Gray was there.

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