Chapter 5

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Third Person POV

Reaper ran through the streets of the great city, his feet creating a clacking sound on the cobblestone as he raced to the great dungeon in the middle of the city. His breathing was steady as he soon saw the white haired boy dash into the entrance, a silent curse passing his head as he began to increase his effort.

Reaper (whisper): The heck did that drunkard even say to cause this kind of reaction?

He quickly entered the dungeon and soon saw the footprints of the young boy as he soon began to catch up, soon hearing the cry of anger soon followed by the thump of a body. As he soon turn to see Bell throwing off another large ant, its body soon turning to ash as Bell soon continued to run faster through the dungeon, slashing anything that got in his way. Reaper shook his head and soon began to run behind him, picking up the crystalls and drops that Bell left behind into his pouch.

Reaper (whisper): Kids lost it, he needs to calm down before anything can get through his head. In the meantime, I need to make sure he doesn't waste his energy.

With that Reaper continued to stay close to the running Bell who continued his rampage. Finally after what seemed like an eternity to Reaper, Bell soon slowed down, his body slightly injured as a few tears in his clothes along with a shallow cut on his head as exhaustion soon brought him to his knees. Not a momment to soon Reaper sprinted to him, catching the young boy on his way down.

Reaper: Done yet?

Reaper raised an eyebrow as Bell quickly began to get himself off from the ARC trooper and started to continue forwards, soon spotting a group of monsters before soon taking care of them. However as he did Reaper watched with focus.

Reaper (thought): His form is getting sloppy. He's getting tired.

After a few more minutes Reaper finally had enough, with a quick motion he grabbed Bell's arm to which the white haired boy soon turned around in shock.

Bell: Hey!

Reaper: You're getting tired, your form is sloppy and if we meet any bigger or more dangerous monsters your going to get yourself killed.

Bell: You don't understand, I need to do this!

Reaper: Get yourself killed?

Bell: No, its fo-

Bell stopped and quickly closed his mouth, soon prompting another eyebrow raise from Reaper who shook his head.

Reaper: I don't expect you to tell me, but I'm not about to let a boy run into his death...

Reaper soon reached into his pack and grabbed a small pouch of bacta, soon squeezing a small dollop and then placing it onto the boy's head. Bell was resistent at first however he could barel lift his arms as he felt a soft warmth on his head. After a few momments Bell soon felt relaxed as his breathing and heart rate soon slowed down.

Reaper: There, it should heal up.

With a small grunt Reaper soon picked up Bell and slung Bell over his shoulder, prompting a pancking reaction from the boy.

Bell: Hey hey, what are you doing?!

Reaper: I'm getting us back home.

Bell was quiet for a few momments as Reaper began to make his way back to the exit. However with a small grunt he looked at Reaper.

Bell: Can you put me down?

Reaper: Your clearly tired, you need to save your energy.

Bell: Bu-

Reaper: It's just till we get to the surface.

Bell: Its just....I don't want to be anymore of a hassle to you. I can get myself home.

Reaper: No problems, just hang on.

Bell: Are you sure?

Reaper: Positive.

Bell:.....why are you helping me this much?

Reaper stayed quiet as the two continued their walk. After what felt like another eternity to Reaper the pair made it to the exit. As the two soon left for the outside, the morning sun soon shown onto the two.

Bell: It's morning already?

Reaper looked up at the sun before then setting the boy down, a look of surprise on his face. Bell quickly balanced before giving a profusely continuous line of apologies and thanks before waving good bye and heading off. All the while Reaper continued to look on, at the disappearing form a single thought going through his head.

Reaper (thought): He's been killing monsters for over half the night, and still able to walk away.

Reaper smiled softly, before then begenning his own journey home.

Reaper (thought): This kid maybe got something in him.

He continued to make his way down the road until something soon hit him, he stopped in his tracks as his eyes went wide. His hand soon reached down onto his side, only to find the bag of drops still attached to his belt.


Hey guys the author here, sorry for the short chapter, yall. School really has been ramping up this year and its getting pretty busy already. I'm incredibly thankful to all of yall being paitent and I hope yall have a wonderful rest of your day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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