Chapter 4

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Third Person POV

A tavern. Reaper stood outside of a tavern. His mind went sour as he looked at his companion who was talking with a girl who seemed to be a waitress at the establishment as he sighed. Was this boy even old enough to drink?

Reaper: Are you sure about this?

Bell: Well, she helped pack me a meal. In return she wanted me to come to the restraunt today.

Reaper sighed, this boy was being played like a damn instrument. He couldn't help but frown underneath his helmet as he followed Bell into the building. The atmosphere was rowdy like any bar as the air smelled of booze and food. However even through all of this he could still feel the eyes of more then a few adventurers. His hand went to his pistol and his viproblade as he passed through drunk patrons before sitting on a stool at the bar. He slowly took off his helmet and placed it on the bar in front of him though he made sure he kept a hand near his weapons as his eyes darted from one side of the room to another.

Bell: You know, I thought you would look a lot older.

Reaper turned to Bell and raised an eyebrow before then looking at himself on the bar table in front of him. Besides his shock that the table is this clean to have a reflection he couldn't help but be confused with face. His stubble and sharp chin was replaced with a slightly round chin that reminded him of his early days with not a hair in sight. In face it looked like he was what many in the galaxy would call pre-puberty looks. He sighed as he soon felt the precense of a figure on the other side of the bar counter, his eyes soon meeting with a someone he could only describe as a giant.

 He sighed as he soon felt the precense of a figure on the other side of the bar counter, his eyes soon meeting with a someone he could only describe as a giant

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???: Hey there,I see your one of Syr's freinds. I didn't know they made adventurer's as cute as you two.

Reaper noted her voice sounded gruff, like that a leader. Her form was large physically in shape, someone that can stand their ground. Reaper made a note to himself to watch her as he looked over at Bell who was had a small frown on his face.

Bell: Please don't pick on me....

Reaper (thought): That is the most pitful request I have ever heard, of all time.

Reaper sighed again as he looked at the menu, he heard Bell calculating his budget however both were soon stopped by the hefty sound of food being dropped in front of them. Reaper looked over to see the largest fish he has ever seen, its entire body being covered in a sauce that made his nose tingle.

Reaper: Wow....

Bell seemed to have had a heart attack as the women soon placed another dish in front of the two, this time a large bowl of noodles with what seemed to be a large array of spices on top.

???: Well, here's your meal!

Bell: But, I didn't order this....

Reaper: I don't think we ordered anything yet....

???: You are too skinny, you need to grow some meat on those bones in order to grow big and strong. And your freind here is quite built, he needs calories to maintain that physic he has.

Bell: Well, much does it cos-

Bell's skin soon turned more white then his hair as he stared at the price of the meal, Reaper on the other hand sighed as he soon saw Syr approachign the two. His mind soon returning to the food as he heard Syr and Bell talking, a small frown appearing on his face as he ran the total in his head.

Reaper: And its all almost gone......all those monsters dead for nothing.

Reaper noted that he needs to kill more monsters in the future however his thoughts were soon interrupted as a shout soon came from the entrance of the tavern. His eyes soon shifted towards the source of the growing commotion only to soon lay his eyes upon a large group of adventurers. He soon noticed other adventurers turning to each other and talking, Reaper soon leaning in as he kept his eye on the group. 

Reaper cocked an eyebrow as he tried to decipher the drunken statements of the participants, however though all the sluggish praise and words he soon singeled out a phrase that made his face grim.

Reaper: The Loki Famelia, the strongest famelia in all of Orario.

Reaper soon turned to Bell, hoping he could ask a few question however he soon saw the young boy staring off into the crowd. Reaper followed his gaze and soon found the target of Bell's attention.

Reaper also noted how a few other adventurers were staring at her, and soon he turned around back to his food

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Reaper also noted how a few other adventurers were staring at her, and soon he turned around back to his food.

Reaper: How wonderful, a girl....

Reaper soon dug into his food, his eyes darting from his food to his weapon to Bell as he still needed his answers about who this Loki Familia was. After a while Bell finally turned away, Reaper noting the scratch of the furniture on the hard wood floor. He kept his eyes on Bell, soon finding the boy stealing glances of Aiz, light red on his cheeks. Reaper shook his head, romance, what a waste of time.

???: Alright guys, good work today! Now lets feast, and get drunk!

A cheer came from the table as Reaper rolled his eyes. As an ARC trooper he had little time for leisure, so the idea of getting flat out drunk was one of extreme stupidity. Still he kept his mouth shut as he continue to eat. As the time clicked on and as he and Bell continued to eat a loud voice soon began to rise, much to Reaper's chagrin.

???: Seriously, you should have seen him!

??? 2: Bete, please, your drunk.

Reaper sighed as he chewed on the last bit of food on his plate. His ears drowning out the obnoxious voice of the drunk man, Bete, as he cleaned up after himself. He soon reached for his wallet when suddenly he heard the abrupt sound of a chair scratching the floor. Reaper quickly turned only to see Bell soon turning for the door. Reaper opened his mouth to stop him only to see tears running out of his eyes, before then loosing him as the white haired boy fled out of the tavern.

Reaper: What in the force.....

His mind was soon interrupted by a sudden realisation and he soon looked at Mia, her face contorted in a expression of annoyance. With a sigh Reaper pulled out his bag and looked through it, a small tick mark appearing on his head. With a heavy sigh he placed the entire bag onto the counter before then pouring out all of his coins, much to the surprise and delight of Mia.

Reaper: This should will cover the both of us, thanks for the meal.

Mia: Much appreciated, saves me the trouble of tracking that boy down.

Reaper nodded, soon slipping on his helmet as he once again thanked his instincts helping him bail his guide. With quick motions he soon rushed out of the door and soon passed by the girl Bell was staring at before. Her eyes were wide, however Reaper didn't bother with the details.

Reaper: The boy.

The girl turned towards him, in shock however soon pointed towards the dungeon as her mouth remained silent, Reaper cursed silently. What has gotten into that boy? Reaper nodded a thanks to the girl and soon ran off, his legs carrying him off towards Bell.

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