"Okay, that did something." Sonic muttered

Then, after seemingly scanning the two, the statue shot out a small compass to Sonic.

"The compass!" Serena comments. "It's so small, though."

"This should lead us to the emerald!" Tails states

After Sonic puts the compass in his ring bag, he saw a red dot appear on Ash's Pikachu's head.

"Hey, you got a little something on your..." Sonic starts before more appeared. "Oh no...everyone get back!"

They tried to run but the drones causing the laser dots blew up some walling, blocking the door. Then, some yodeling was heard and they looked at where it was coming from and saw Robotnik entering in his transport pod.

"That dude again??" Bonnie questioned

"Heads up my little stalagmites!" Robotnik says. "Someone call an Uber? Hey, thanks for doin all the hard stuff!"

Knuckles jumped down.

"But we'll take it from here." Knuckles stated

"Okay, we gotta talk about your new look, it's like Professor X meets the Monopoly Man." Sonic said to Robotnik. "And what kind of genius shows up to Uqxazi in A CONVERTIBLE?"

"The kind of genius that can turn up the heat...." Robotnik starts, lowering his goggles. ".....with the flick of a switch!"

Robotnik launches a missile only for Sonic to grab it and hurl it back in his direction but it hit the statue, shaking the whole cave a little, and rubble fell onto Knuckles who stopped it with his brute force and the statue began falling.

"Good one!" Robotnik says. "I'm sure that wasn't important!"

"There's our exit!" Sonic exclaimed, pointing at the hole. "Come on!"

They headed for the hole, Sonic destroying a drone and holding the remains like a snowboard. When getting out, Sonic looks down.

"Oookay, Tails, Ash, everyone, you go high, i go low." Sonic stated

Tails nodded and flew off as everyone got onto Ash's Noivern's back, Sonic began stretching.

"Quick little stretch aaaannnddd here we go." Sonic comments, snowboarding down the mountain

Sonic began snowboarding, however, drones poured out of the cave, Sonic noticing.

"Oh, so you wanna play?" Sonic comments

Then, the Beedrill drones began shooting lasers out of their tails.

"That's new!" Sonic comments

Sonic continues snowboarding down the mountain, as Robotnik was chasing Tails and Sonic obliterated the drones with his snowball throwing skills.

"Yeah! I Make this look good!" Sonic comments

Then, through an explosion, emerged Knuckles, still tailing Sonic.

'Oh great, the Winter Soldier." Sonic groaned

Knuckles side slapped Sonic into some nearby rocks and seconds after he came to, Knuckles goes to punch Sonic square in the face but he missed entirely, going through a few trees.

"For a guy named Knuckles you are REALLY bad at punching." Sonic stated

"SURRENDER THE COMPASS!! You're no match for me." Knuckles said. "I've been training for this my entire life!!"

"And I have no training at all and yet, here I am ahead of you!" Sonic responds. "That's GOTTA be embarrassing."

However, Knuckles had had enough and shattered the ground entirely sending Sonic into the air, Sonic covering his face in self defense.

Sonic ended up clinging to a cliff for his dear life and a good handful of his rings falling otu of his bag.

"MY RINGS!!!" Sonic yelped

Then, Knuckles lands and Sonic climbed up.

"Has anyone ever told you you got serious anger issues?" Sonic comments

"You mock me with your weak jokes but you know nothing about me,, hedgehog!" Knuckles responds

"Well, there's one thing I know. Your people have a habit of showing up un invited and RUINING my life." Sonic responds

"Ruining YOUR life???" Knuckles retorts. "Another bad joke. I lost EVERYTHING because of you! My tribe was on the verge of it's greatest victory. The last of the owl warriors had been located and soon Longclaw's emerald secrets would be ours but my father stopped me from joining the fight. He said my moment to honor our tribe would come but it was not this moment. Those were the last words he spoke to me. I NEVER saw him again....."

That's when images of what happened that day flashed into Sonic's head.

"We both lost a lot that day...." Sonic comments

Suddenly, Ash's Noivern used Sonic Boom and knocked Knuckles over and Sonic tried to hurl the compass to Tails but Robotnik swoops by, snatching it.

"LATER, HATERS!!!!!!" Robotnik comments, launching a couple missiles from his pod

One hit Tails and knocked him out of the air.

"TAILS!" Sonic comments, running over and checking on Tails and Noivern lowering down a little out of concern. "Tails, come on, wake up!"

Knuckles jumped up and held onto the side of Robotnik's pod.

"They chose helping the Vulpix over pursuing the compass." Knuckles comments

Robotnik scoffed and said, "Of course they did. New friends, same pathetic weakness."

Knuckles hummed in thought before an avalanche began, Sonic going wide eyed.

"Oh no, nonono, we're in real trouble now! I need you to wake up and help get us out of here, Tails!" Sonic comments, still trying to wake up Tails

"See ya, kids! Enjoy the fresh powder!" Robotnik said as he and Knuckles took off

Sonic just decided to pick up Tails and began snowboarding down the mountain as fast as he could to try to escape the avalanche with Ash's Noivern not that far behind. And as they were going down, Sonic reached into his bag to pull out his phone.

Pokémon the Blue Blurr: Robotnik's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now