What are your opinions on the Peace Syndicate?

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Foundation: Peace Syndicate never heard of them.

Jones: Same here. Foundation give me my coffee back!

Foundation: No ❤

Paradigm: They hosted the big party at Rave Cave so they're pretty cool.

Order: I made friends with one of their members Evie I think she's called we play Dark Souls together.

Visitor: I've talked with some of their members Sabina and Malik their really nice they've been providing funding for my stay on the launchpad however they're style is a bit flashy for my taste.

Imagined: I've been doing some incognito Intel gathering for them I know that's more my sister's deal but I've got tons to spare from my most recent heist into some old I.O files I found on the destroyed I.O airships and old Rave Cave equipment this confidential data is worth thousands for them in return I get info on my past however nothing's came up as Order says 'We may never know what happened you just have to accept that'.....

Origin: They've been masking my location from a Trespasser that's been spotted on the island recently with 2 other individuals I don't want him finding me and alerting the remains of The Last Reality that I still exist especially when my ex-wife might just be right over the ocean...

Scientist: They've caused me nothing but trouble, last week they spray painted a energy reader I put in the Reality Bloom to read the pulses coming from the Reality Tree of course I made it Self-Destruct, but by the time I got their to see the damage their was no signs of an explosion anywhere the Reality Bloom shows extreme regenerative abilities fascinating.... *the sound of pen on paper was then heard* *sound of a pen tapping against suit* *then for an entire hour the sound of pen on paper was heard* *Scientist then realised he still had the recording software on  and turned it off*

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