3 questions

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For Paradigm: How come you disguised as Singularity and not wear your Seven suit?

Paradigm: I was sent by The Foundation to infiltrate the I.O if I just walked in there while still in my normal armour I'd be shot dead so I was given the Singularity suit as a disguise.

For Visitor: How come you were inside the meteorite in Season 4?

Visitor: Is that what loopers call it?

Visitor: Well like Paradigm I was sent onto the island to go do recon and see what the top side was like. I couldn't fly into space and fly onto the first map like I usually do.

Visitor: So I got into a lifepod and the rest of the Seven built a meteor like structure around me, similar to that of The Spire, and I was shot into space where the island's gravitational pull would bring me back in and so I could land on the island without looking to suspicious to the I.O.

To everyone: What do you plan to do after you beat the Imagined Order?

Foundation: Well, if it all goes to plan then I'm sending all loopers back home where they belong.

Scientist: Plan my retirement and settle down with Paradigm.

Paradigm: Explore the universe with Scientist, I feel like there's more worlds out there that need the Seven.

Visitor: Ask out Imagined.

Imagined: PARTY!

Order: I don't know, find out who my parents are...

Origin: Fuse all major factions together I'll take over I.O management, reform The Last Reality and since I'm already a member of the Seven I'll have made the best fighting force and I'll lead is as their field general and war tactician.

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