"Of course."

I was happily eating my cookies when the intercom came on.

"Can Tori Hill come to the office?"

"Ugh. Thanks for the food panda, I'll see you later."

"Bye Victoria."

I left his classroom and made my way to the office. The 4 Rivera boys were there, Grayson was there, and another man was there. He seems fam-He's the oldest brother.

"Now that you are finally here Ms.Hill, I tried to contact Mr.Hill however he didn't respond."

"Did you call him?"

I ask Mrs.Brown.

"Yes Tori, I did."

"Let me try."

I pulled my phone out and called Micah. It went to voice-mail. I shrugged.

"He's probably busy at work."

"Do you have any other guardian I can call?"

"Sure. He probably isn't in the school's records though. I'll call him."

I called Maverick. He answered right away.

"Hi sweetheart. What's up?"

He sounded...off.

"I should be asking you that Rick. Did I call at a bad time?"

"No, no, not at all sweetheart."

"Oh...well can you come to my school? I need a guardian present since I'm in trouble. Mike didn't respond."

Mike so these stupid Rivera's wouldn't be on my tail. I heard footsteps come into the office. It was Gray's mom. I smiled and waved at her, she did the same thing back to me.

"Uh, okay. Yeah. Sure. I'll be there in 10 sweetheart."

"See you then."

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.

"He said he'll be here in ten Mrs.Brown."


I turned to face Gray's mom.

"Hi hunny. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you."

"Ma, you're the one who works all the time."

Gray said. I punched him in the shoulder.

"Well maybe you should bring me over more often Grayson. Then I could see my favorite person more often."

I joked around. Shr told me about one of her patients who was just a little kid. It was so wholesome. I told her what Gray got me for my birthday, then showed her.

"Give me your hand kid."

I said to Gray. He gave me his wrist with the bracelet on it.

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