First meeting

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"As leader of the order, this is my son in training, Gaster" said Thronlord (alto nombre le puse) "He is going to be my successor if everything accordes to the plan." He told to the crawn of people in front of him and Gaster. They are mostly aliens of the same species as his father, but there were also hybrid ones. Gaster is being serious, after all in an important meeting, but for some years he has been.. hesitating. After seeing so many races exterminated by him and his motto, he is not knowing what to do anymore. 

He goes outside after his father finishes talking and the 'party' started, resting his arms on the railing of a balcony. He rubs his face and extra opened eyes, having enough of them because the meaning, being like his father.

Gaster Pov
"This is trash.. this is trash.." My tentacles twitch in dessesperation, my emotions conected to them makes me feel more angry. What I am thinking? I can't go against my fathers rules.. Or I can? I lift my head when I hear a sound, the door of the balcony opens behind me. I freeze, my father is-
I hear a whine and they come next to me, is not the figure of my father. I feel myself calm down. Then a female voice comes to my non-physical ears. "Ahh.. even a reunion like this makes me feel tired, oh my! The stars are beautiful here." She seems to talk to herself. Did she even knew I was here? Feeling a move in the railing I finally look down at her.
She is leaning against it, looking up at the stars, she is short for me because my own height, curly short black hair and for my dissapointment a mask that covered her face. She has four pair of feathered wings, two bigger than the others, a long tail with feathers at the end wagging side to side in what seems happiness and the legs..She has some bird like legs but different. Her body is well done, like a model to me and with the cothing of her's that squeezed her curves.. I feel my face heat up and I quickly tap my blushed cheeks with my hands looking away.
I curse myself after because the tapping she tenses up and makes a small sound. "Ah! I didn't know..-" She looks up at me and I to her.. We stare some seconds after she turns to start to walk away. "Oh, Im deeply sorry son of Thronlord. I will just move away." She speaks in a monotone voice yet scared for me. Not this again!
As the son of my father, I have a reputation as an emotionless and agressive person. What I was until I started to doubt. People are afraid of me, and I don't want that. "Wait!" I grab her wrist and she looks at me, oh I hope she isn't afraid behind the mask.. "I'm sorry I..uh.." For some reason I feel spechless, words don't left my mouth. I let her wrist go and I try to calm her down. "I didn't mean to be so rough! Please.. I don't mind your company, you can stay! I..-" My tentacles moves up and down in embarassement and alarm, I don't know why but she giggles. Oh how embarassed I feel right now.. How I can be this silly!
"Hey! Easy! Its alright, I just thought you wanted to be alone, normaly your species are big and.." she hestiates "Rude, but nobody is the same." Her tone is not the same as before, she is.. What actually happend? She leads herself again to the railing of the balcony and with gesture of her head I come and stay by her side.
"Where.. are you from? I didn't know you were part of the order." He asks, unsure. "Oh, Im from far away from here and Im not part of the order." She gestures at her chest with her hand, a note with the word 'guest' was read. I slap my face. "Guest, I should have thought of that." I whisper to myself but she giggles, did she heard me? "Why are you.. giggling?" I ask to her. "Because of you, silly! You are nothing like your father." I stay silent at that confession. "But I be like him, I am a member of the order! I must be emotionless, serious and-" I was interupted by her grabbing my hands. I blush as I look at her. "You don't have to be like that you know?" She rubs my hands. "You seem to not like the rules of the order.. I know how the work is done there and I think its a little..-" "cruel." I finish for her. Then the words come out like a wave, I have to tell her my opinion. "Just like that, cruel. I had enough being bad, killing stars and the species close to them just to create another and repeat the process!" I feel upset and I huff. "But I can't just.. tell my dad I don't want to do it anymore. He will explode and who knows what else!" She looks down for a moment. "I'm sorry, I don't know why Im telling you this." I hear her voice once again. "Because you just couldn't do it anymore, you had to take that out of your chest. My lips are shut for you to do what you think is correct." I'm calm to hear that. "Thank you.. Miss..? Wait and your name?" I sundennly feel curious. I blink at her. "You can call me Z for now, Gaster." She says. Its strange but I dont complain. "Call me Starlord, Z-" I must have done something silly again because she giggled loudly, how cute-
"W-What I did now?-" I feel embarassed. "Your eyes! They were dilated and round, you seem to be very curious for others!" She finally chuckles. "Care to tell me some stories about other planets?" I light up at the question. "Oh of course! I have many stories to tell!"

I talked to her like what aparently was all the party outside at the balcony. I told her stories, she told me some of hers. I was happy with someone after so much time but at one moment it had to end. "Why you have that mask Z?" I asked to her and she sighed. "It's because of work Starlord.. I-" The door opened and many entered at the balcony, one was my father. "Gaster! Kill the impostor, now!" My father yelled at me and I was in shock. I look back at Z and she looks at them. "Well, I have no more time." She waved at me before she stanted in the railing and with a step behind she falls, taking flight after and dissapearing in the night of the space. I felt so.. sad, until my shoulders were grabbed. "Son did you told that shit something? DID YOU?" He was upset and the only thing I could do was shake my head. "No father, I didn't told anything to the inferior." He lets go and makes the others go inside to seach if something was stolen.
Nothing was stolen that night.. I felt sad because a feeling of betrayal. But years later I realized she was one of the reasons to go against my dad and change myself for good.
"And what happend to Z, Stars?" Swap asks to me. The others exept Fell since he is not here stared. "I didn't saw her again. I don't know if the stories she told me were true, but what I know is that she was sincere and.. somewhat like you are, playful, funny. If we come back to home I will seach-" I was interrupted by the sound of the kitchen door and Fell who was holding someone by the shoulder. "We have a problem." I see who is and my eyes widen. Z.

End part 1

As the name of the father of Stars was never told (as I saw) I set one randomly-

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