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Definitely haven't had a dream like this before.

I'm sitting in an old Jeep, floating in an empty abyss. It's like I'm in a black hole, but it's full of colour, shades of blues and purples and pinks mixing together, filling the strange place.

My dreams usually go like this: My dream starts off nice and tranquil and peaceful, but then, in some way shape or form, the peace is broken by some really horrible catastrophe, like a car crash or some kind of fatal illness or a raptor eating my guts. This has been happening to me pretty much every night, and I always get my hopes up at the beginning of my dream, thinking it will be something normal, but I'm always proven otherwise.

That's another thing, it's kinda weird, but, for some reason, I can actually think in my dreams. It feels like real life to me, like I wasn't even in a dream in the first place. It's eerie to think about.

I enjoy my moment of peace and quiet in the Jeep. One part of me is starting to get ecstatic in the hopes that for once I might just have a normal dream, but the other me is just happy that I get a moment of solitude before my night of terror begins.

I'm still sitting in my seat completely intact and free of disturbance. It's probably been at least 5 minutes of nothing but serenity and peace.

Maybe I'll just have a normal dream tonight. Maybe my nightmares have ende-


I hear the snapping of wires behind me, and a thundering BOOM! echos across the empty abyss. I look through the Jeep's rearview mirror, and my heart skips a beat.


No, no, no, no, no, NO! This can't be! This happened over thirty years ago! It can't-


...be real.

Behind me, the reverberating roar of the T-Rex brings me into action. Drive, DRIVE! Ever since what happened at Jurassic Park, I figured it was I good idea to actually learn how to drive and it's finally coming in handy. I push the stick forward and step on the gas pedal, and I start to speed away. I look down, just to see if I'm driving on a road or something like that.

Nothing. There's no road, no track, no trail, nothing. It's as if I'm driving on air.

The swirls of blue and purple around me start to turn into a blur as I speed up. The T-Rex noticed my efforts to get away and decides to pursue me. It is also running on seemingly nothing, starting to get dangerously close.

Must go faster. MUST GO FASTER!

I pick up a smell, and I recognize it almost immediately. The oddly good-smelling smell of smoke, the product of burned gas.

Deep breaths, Ian. Deep breaths.


Ok, think logically about this. A T-Rex can only run up to 15 miles per hour, any more and its bones will shatter. As long as I don't run out of gas anytime soon, I should be fine. A T-Rex can only run so much before it needs to take a break.

I keep driving, the T-Rex still chasing after me, when...


Suddenly, a square ahead of me, a brownish-black colour if my vision is serving me right.

𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐄𝐀|𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄Where stories live. Discover now