Chapter 3

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Zak put on some music, it's a few minutes drive to the hotel anyways. As he drove he started thinking of where to go " L.a? No, New York? Nah too many rats. Oooo how about Hawaii? It's in a different island as well so kinda good caz it's far plus it's a beautiful place"

And so Zak now has a plan of where to go, he just need to get some tickets later on. Twenty minutes has now passed and they arrived at the hotel " If he doesn't wake up immediately I'mma slap him again" Zak thought as he attempted on waking up Darryl.

"Darryl? Darryl I swear to god Im gonna slap you if you don't wake up immediately" Zak exclaimed shaking Darryl. Within seconds Darryl woke up sleepy " where are we?" He asked.

" In the hotel we'll be staying here for a day or two depends if there's a scheduled flight." Darryl was too sleepy to ask Zak about why is he saying about a flight schedule thingy. Zak opened the trunk and took out Darryl's suitcase and pull out it's handle afterwards he gave it to Darryl. While doing the same to his suit case, he has a gucci suit case.

Zak handed the keys to the valet to park, as they entered the entrance two employees greeted them taking their suitcase guiding them to the receptionist. The lobby was very minimalist designed, mostly white with black and gray accents.

With the chandelier looking like an abstract chandelier, they were both quiet impressed but not too impressed they've seen better. Zak gave his American express credit card to the receptionist which asked him some questions before asking of how many days they'd be staying.

" I don't really know, but I guess a day or a two, were just gonna see if there's a scheduled flight tomorrow or the day after that." Zak explained, the receptionist nodded

" What specifics do you want from a room?" She asked the last time

Zak replied " oh uhm, one with two bedrooms, oh the King's Suite to be exact". The receptionist nodded and gave them their key card. " Have a nice stay sirs, the pool is on the the 25th floor, with the garden on the top floor. And feel free to ring us at the telephone for any problems or needs you may acquire".

After that the two employees guided them to where their room is, they entered the elevator and went to the 39th floor. And went to the room named " King's Suite 211".

Zak swiped the card and it unlocked and they went in, the two employees set down the suitcases and Zak tipped them both. " I'm going to sleep" Darryl said as he yawned pulling his suitcase with him.

Zak smiled and sighed, he heard a room door open and close with also hearing Darryl getting on the bed. He just went to the living room of the suite and watched some TV. He wasn't really paying attention to the show after a few minutes of watching, mostly he was using the TV as background noise while he use his phone.

Hours passed by like a breeze and Zak remembered to check for any flights to Hawaii, there was one and it's for the day after tomorrow 11 pm. He also called his closest causin if he could leave his car with him and he agreed. And so he got two tickets to Hawaii one for him and one for Darryl, it was business class seats.

After getting the tickets Zak continued on using his phone, he was just scrolling through Twitter then afterwards through Instagram and finally going to YouTube to watch anything interesting that would pass the recommendations.

And that cycle of Twitter, then Instagram and YouTube continued till lunch time. It's now 12:27 pm and Zak just noticed that he used his phone for hours. He stood up from the couch and stretched, he went to the phone and called for room service. Darryl was still sleep but none the less he ordered a pizza.

The pizzas were just fancy fancy namings, with Zak choosing the truffle mushroom pizza and also ordered some ice coffee. Within 25 minutes it arrived, Zak received it and gave a tip, it's gonna get deducted into the credit card so Zak didn't have to pay with cash.

Zak sat down at the living room and ate the pizza while sipping his ice coffee, his currently watching the show playing on TV, it did became interesting so Zak just watched it.

Thirty minutes passed by and Darryl came out the room looking like a mess, he sat down in a solo couch near Zak whoes sitting in a long one. Zak tried holding his luaghter but he can't he burst out luaghing " you look even more tired before you slept, it looks like you died and came back" he luaghed even more.

" I didn't have my coffee so shush" Darryl blurted out looking out the window as if his eyes were fixed to it. Zak wiped a tear the came out his eye " eat some pizza, you look like you need it".

Darryl just took a slice still looking like he forgot everything and questioning life. A few minutes passed and Zak thought it's finally good time to tell Darryl where they were going. " Were going to Hawaii" he announced

Darryl titled his head to the side " ok I guess, would be nice"

" Ok good you aren't protesting about it, we'll be leaving the day after tomorrow the flight is gonna be at 11:00 pm" Zak explained.

Darryl only gave out a nod as he ate pizza looking at the TV. Zak thought about everything it's just scoffed Darryl and him doesn't even know each other that much, and they just met last night and now he planned a trip to Hawaii with Darryl.

" Amazing Zak just amazing" Zak muttered seeing how everything turned out, he just hit a male omega that now became his runaway buddy how nicely that turned out. " Oh well atleast I'm not alone, Darryl does seem ok for the most part, his an omega which is a bit iffy, his also kinda childish but I could go with that we can be friends anyways would be fun" Zak thought before returning his attention to the TV.

An hour or two has passed by, and Darryl told Zak his going to the garden. He wanna be in a peaceful place, even though it have too many people atleast it's a nice place. He entered the elevator and clicked the top floor, when it opened he was immediately brought to the garden.

It's in a glass dome making the sun shine through, it wasn't hot though since the temperature is regulated. There weren't many people so Darryl felt at peace, he started taking close up shots of the butterflies. He sat down at the bench just enjoying the fresh aura the garden gives out.


Word count...1169

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Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink water; you deserve it. [I said you deserve it]

Arranged Love - Skephalo Omegaverse AuWhere stories live. Discover now