Chapter 22

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" I think today would be much better.... Hopefully" Darryl muttered sitting up from bed, he yawned and rubbed his eyes. And that's when he felt nauseous as well feeling the need to vomit. His eyes widened and he immediately ran to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet, he kept gagging so it took much longer. He got up and went to the sink, panting rinsing his mouth.

" I guess I spoke to soon" Darryl rolled his eyes as he muttered, he got out his room and went downstairs. He got a little surprise hearing something sizzling in the kitchen while getting downstairs. Zak's probably cooking Darryl thought, as he went to the kitchen they made eye contact.

" Oh you're awake, just sit in the table I'll be finished cooking in a few" Zak said with a smile. Darryl was a bit speechless with him just nodding as a response, he sat down in the table and a few minutes later Zak gave him his plate of pancakes and beacon, with the pancakes having a generous amount of syrup.

This is kind of weird Darryl felt, well this is a second, second because the first time Zak cooked for him was last night. Zak sat infront of him setting his plate with the same amount and kind of food. As Zak began eating Darryl just played with his food a fork.

His still not use to this type of attitude from Zak " uhm, what's this for?" Darryl asked. Zak chuckled " nothing, just wanted to cook breakfast for you, why is there any problem?" Zak replied. Darryl only nodded, it's as if they weren't figthing just yesterday.

Darryl couldn't hold himself as he blurted out " well no... I mean yes a little just weirded out with the sudden change of treatment".

Zak made a haft smile nodding " you'll get used to it". That rung in Darryl's head you'll get used to it, meaning would it happen regularly from now on? If so hopefully. They finished on eating breakfast, Zak stood up first getting Darryl's plate " I'll wash these" Zak insisted.

Darryl could only agree and sighed " te... thanks for the breakfast" would be rude to not thank him. Zak nodded and continued cleaning the little mess he made in the kitchen. As Darryl went up the stairs he thought " what the muffins is happening, why is he so so... Nice again it's good but why the sudden change?" Darryl questioned getting in his room.

He went to his closet and got some clothes, afterwards went to the bathroom and took a shower. While taking it though his mind came up with an answer " is he.... Just being nice caz I'm carrying our child?"

Darryl shook the thought, washing his body. The thought keeps budging in however Darryl would always dicline it. He finished his shower after a few minutes he put on some clothes and brushed his teeth after all that he got out the bathroom.

He could only sigh and sat at the edge of his bed, it was silence for a few seconds before he jumped a bit from the sudden ringing of his phone. He grabbed it and see who was calling him, his mom, been a few days actually since she last called.

Darryl accepted the call " Hello".

" Oh yes hi, so how's it been?" Agnes said to her son. Some may call their kids sweetie or honey but Agnes doesn't as Darryl really hates those,  mostly caz his 24 now. Darryl smiled " oh uhm been good"

"Ahhh I see, is there any improvement in the two of you's relationship?" She asked

Darryl started touching and rubbing his belly contemplating on answering. He still doesn't wanna tell his mom about the situation and so he replied " uhm I guess you could call it that, Zak seemed to be more... Kind now".

" Oh well that's nice then, hopefully it continues that way. Hope you for the best and goodbye I need to go now" she said her goodbye and ended the call. Darryl groaned and flopped his back on the bed, he closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands and groaned once more.

He doesn't really wanna tell his mom that he's pregnant yet. They'll probably by then force them in marriage in a much faster way and Darryl doesn't want that. But now he'll just worry about himself, it's pretty hard and dangerous carrying a child in the womb and since his a male omega it's far more dangerous.

Darryl let his mind free for the time being, he closed his eyes and sighed. He stayed in bed mindlessly for a few more hours, omegas tend to love cozy warm places so the bed it is. A few hours have passed by and Darryl got a head ache, it's normal during early stages of pregnancy so nothing to worry about.

As of the moment Darryl's just laying in bed, whimpering when his head pounds ever so often. Zak may have possibly heard the whimpers and he knocked on the door " Darryl?".

Darryl opened his eyes, he sighed " yes? What do you want?".

" You good? And can I come in?" Zak said

Darryl could only agree " yes I'm good, just a little head ache nothing to worry about."

Zak entered the room, seeing the brunette sprawled all over the bed. He nodded " let's go for a check tomorrow, it's been a few weeks anyways" Zak replied.

Darryl turned to his side, and closed his eyes he yawned " I'll just sleep right now then I might lose this head ache". Darryl didn't receive a reply rather he heard Zak took off his house slippers and got in bed with him. Basically Zak spooned Darryl and put a hand over Darryl's tummy.

Darryl melted through the sudden contact of skin, he wanted to inche closer and so he did. Zak's warm body makes it so enjoyable to Darryl he could just sleep right there and then. But something did popped up in Darryl's head a little question and so he asked it " Uh Zak why are doing this right?".

Zak didn't gave much reaction " don't you not like this?"

Darryl bit his bottom lip " not that, it's just so sudden like we haven't done this before".

Zak chuckled " well there's always a first and todays the day. Just stay still I quite like this".

Darryl could only nod and Zak added to his words " You did wanted to make it up to me. So just treat this as the first step" Zak released some relaxing pheromones making Darryl fall into a deep slumber.


Word count...1106

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and please don't forget to vote if you did.

Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink water; you deserve it. [I said you deserve it]

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