I've Fallen! (and only you can help me up!)

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They were all hanging out around Swatch's Café like they usually did after a long day in the dojo. Ever since they confronted the Knight and the being controlling Kris, the days had a certain routine to them.

Wake up.

Run errands.

Visit Castle Town.

Not that any of them minded the simplicity of it all, especially after some of the things they saw during their adventure. But none of them were against something different happening. Whether it be good or bad, it didn't matter. Though good would be preferable.

That's when Ralsei remembered.

He remembered Berdly and his attempt at 'wooing' Susie.

Everything... getting dark...


Only a kiss from a beautiful gamer girl can save me now...

Though he also remembered that Susie didn't exactly...



Like, get you're, like, losing consciousness and stuff, but, could you speak up?

Suffice it to say she didn't pick up on what he was doing. Nor cared.

Umm, aha s-sorry, suddenly I... I... I'm feeling a bit better!

But, perhaps it would work out better for him? It was worth a shot, at the very least.

"Kris... Susie... I... I don't think I can go on..." Ralsei said, as he started dramatically falling to the ground, "I don't know what illness has stricken me... but I simply cannot go on..."

"Dude, the hell are you doing? You look fine." Susie said, disregarding Ralsei's oh so obvious, if sudden, illness.

"Susie... I may look fine but, I feel horrible! It seems that now, only a hug from a stoic, silent knight can save me now..."

"Oh, is that what this is about? Come on, Kris, let's ju-"

Before Susie could finish her sentence, Kris walked over to Ralsei, kneeling beside him before swiftly cradling him in a warm embrace.

Though he wasn't expecting much, Ralsei was pleased with this outcome, though he knew his giant smile probably gave that away.

"Thank you, Kris! I feel better alre-"

Before Ralsei could finish his sentence, he felt Kris plant a kiss on his forehead. His blush was immense, he hadn't expected his plan to work out this well. He should thank Berdly when he next sees him.

"I, uh, f-feel even better than before Kris! Perhaps you could, ummm, d-do that again?"

"Kris, what in the hell?" Susie was dumbfounded at what she just witnessed.

"What? I told you that I like him, but you were to busy staring at Noelle to listen to me, and would you look at that, speak of the devil and you shall receive." Kris pointed towards the entrance of Castle Town, where Noelle could be seen running towards them.

"Susie! Susie! I've fallen terribly ill and the only thing that can hel-" Noelle yelled as she ran towards Susie, fake fainting when she reached her.

"What the hell is going on? How did you even see what just happened? What the hell..." Susie tried to make sense of what was happening, to no avail.

"Susie, only a kiss ca-"

"NO." Susie quickly stormed off. With even fewer answers then she had expected. Noelle got up and ran after her.

"Susiiie! C'mon!" Noelle teasingly yelled. Ralsei and Kris couldn't help but laugh.

"Think they'll be ok?" Ralsei asked Kris.

"Yeah, I do."

As more time passed, the more Ralsei processed what just happened. And eventually, he felt lava rise to his cheeks.

"Wait, you like me?"

The light blush on Kris's face was the only answer he needed.

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