Discendo, Discimus (3)

Start from the beginning

Hannah was still on the shower when I checked on her on my room. I placed clothes for her on the bed then I went on the common bathroom to wash myself. I smell of smoke and alcohol.

Few minutes and I am tangled on the deck with Hannah. I took my time watching her face before I kiss her with all the love I have. Contentment flooded me. This is all I will ever ask.

We went back on the room then we lay on the bed to sleep.

I would so much like to have my birthday sex, but I don't want to ruin the tranquil mood.

Hannah fell asleep on my arms. I watch her sleep.

She's so beautiful. She got this innocent charm and sweet aura on her. I don't know when did I start loving her. I simply know that I am in love with her.

From the drawer on the bedside table, I retrieved the box my mother handed me yesterday. It's the family heriloom. An engagement ring.

I carefully lifted Hannah's hand then I slid the ring on her finger.

I felt a throb in my chest. It fits her perfectly. It felt like she's really destined to be mine.

Dad once told me and Kuya Trev that this ring has been passed down for generations. When it was handed to Lola Trinity, the ring had to be altered on her size. And it was the first time it has been done. When it was given to Dad, it was a perfect fit for Mom. And now, Hannah was also a perfect match. Like how the glass shoes fits Cinderella.

I will take it as a lucky sign. Lola Trinity had the ring altered, and her marriage doesn't went well towards the end. Mom was a perfect fit, and she and Dad are still happy on their marriage. They've been through hardships, but they persevered and they're now on their retirement taking care of their grandchild and having the time of their lives.

I can feel my eyes warming up as I look at the ring on Hannah's finger. I placed her hand on the pillow near her head. I clicked few photos of her and the ring.

Fuck. I wanna marry her. Now.

I am thirty, with stable job, financially capable to start my own family, and in love with this woman. All that's left was to be sure of her feelings for me.

I have to be sure that she's in love with me too. I should be certain that we feel the same.

I carefully removed the ring on her then placed it back on the box.

In time, I'll put thhe ring on her. Where she would be aware that the gesture will be sealing her destiny with me for the rest of her life.

The next day, I distanced myself a little from Hannah. From the past month, I learned that the more I keep my distance from her, the more Hannah realise her feelings. Mas lumalayo ako, mas kinakailangan n'ya ako.

It may sound assuming on my part, but I think that the more I act cold, the more she realise that she's in love with me.

I went back to Japan for some preparations for my long leave from work. Our family will be spending a week on New York for Selene's surprise wedding.

I am keeping in touch with Hannah, but I am keeping myself from acting head over heels with her.

But my damn plan was backfiring. I am now the one on edge after hearing from Eve that some doctor from Hannah's internship was making a move on her.

I asked Selene to ask Hannah to spend the night on our house, but Hannah said no.

What? Is she interested with the doctor?

Fuck it, Carrack!

I thought that she'll be staying on our home this Sunday. This will be my chance to question her about that asshole.

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